Smithsonian Folkways
  • Traditional Music of Botswana, Africa: A Journey with Tape Recorder along Southern Botswana from Mochudi to Kang ALBUM
  • Yes! I Wanna! Learn Music From Botswana! TOOL FOR TEACHING
  • Tribal Songs of Batswana: "Oh, a Shoe, Oh, a Shoe" TRACK
  • Tribal Songs of Batswana: "When They Are Playing Their Whistles, Praise (Ululate) Them" TRACK
  • Ritual, dance, and work songs from the Lete people of Botswana ALBUM
  • Initiation and rain songs from the Tswana-speaking Ngwaketse of Botswana ALBUM
  • Initiation and party dance songs from the Tswana-speaking Kwena of Botswana ALBUM
  • Sitengena solo: "Rain Song" TRACK
  • Basarwa (Bushmen) Selections: Basarwa Song TRACK
  • Basarwa (Bushmen) Selections: Basarwa Song TRACK
  • Basarwa (Bushmen) Selections: Basarwa Song TRACK
  • Tribal Songs of Batswana: "The Hills of Mourning" TRACK
  • Tribal Songs of Batswana: "Speak to Us" TRACK
  • Tribal Songs of Batswana: "I Am Happy" TRACK
  • Tribal Songs of Batswana: "Yes! Yes! Oh! Oh!" TRACK
  • Tribal Songs of Batswana: "Give Us the Signal to Fight" TRACK
  • Tribal Songs of Batswana: "At Home, It Rains Heavily" TRACK
  • Tribal Songs of Batswana: "We Come from the Forest" TRACK
  • Tribal Songs of Batswana: "I Have a Pain!" TRACK
  • Tribal Songs of Batswana: "Drive away the Birds!" TRACK
  • See More
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