Humorous, topical and dance songs from the Tooro of Toro district (Western Province), Uganda

Various Artists ILAMTR136A

Year Released 1950
Record Label I.L.A.M.
Source Archive International Library of African Music (ILAM)
Genre(s) World
Country(s) Uganda
Culture Group(s) Mbete; Tooro
Instrument(s) Clapping, hand; Drum, conical; Emugudu; Ensemble leader; Mbira, likembe; Vocals; Vocals, group
Language(s) Tooro
  • Hugh Tracey - Compiler; Liner Notes Editor; Liner Notes; Recorder

101 Mutitira S. Ruhume, Akiki with Tooro men 2:28
102 Kaheru Tibamwenda with Tooro men 2:39
103 Mauwa Abugu Kisukwe and Bamba men 2:42
104 Bwasemera obugenyi bwamunywani wange Paulo Rwabwogo with Tooro men 2:13
105 Ilemere abagorra nsonga ilemere Yohana Byabachwezi with Tooro men 1:55
106 Kyamukuku Joseph Musisi and Bamba men 1:13
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