Advertise with The Los Angeles Times

  • Main News
    Promote your business or service in the main section of the Los Angeles Times and online at
    Starting at $150.00
    What you get
  • Real Estate - Appointment & Open House
    Sell your home with a print ad in the Los Angeles Times Hot Property section and online on
    Starting at $99.00
    What you get
  • Saturday
    Promote your business or service or announce a special occasion in our weekend features section.
    Starting at $261.00
    What you get
  • Hoy
    Noticias locales, nacionales e internacionales, historias de éxito de latinos en diferentes ámbitos, como la comunidad, educación y negocios.
    Local, national and international news. Success stories of Latinos in various capacities such as community, education and business.
    Starting at $263.00
    What you get
  • Empleos / Jobs
    Encuentre al candidato ideal para la posición que tiene disponible con un anuncio clasificado impreso en Hoy.
    Find the right candidate for your job opening with a classified listing ad publishing in Hoy
    Starting at $15.00
    What you get
  • Hoy - Deportes
    Noticias de deportes a nivel local, nacional e internacional, relevantes a la comunidad latina. Local, national and international sports news relevant to Latinos.
    Starting at $74.00
    What you get
    Una fuente de información de noticias con énfasis local, relevante para la cultura y vida y estilo de la comunidad hispana.
    Locally-focused online Spanish-language news source relevant to Hispanic culture and lifestyle.
    Starting at $250.00
    What you get

Many advertising options are available through our self-service site, however there are products, categories, sizes and packages that are not available through self-service. Self-service supports small business needs so not all customers qualify through this program. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact us.

Ads are non-refundable after deadline.