Generate revenue from articles and comments by adding a few lines of code to your web site.

How it works

Advertisers and readers can bid to promote a text based message associated with an article called PPA (pay per article). Their message will be displayed each time the article is viewed. Bids are done with points which they can buy or earn by being an active member. Purchased points earn the publisher's money.

Two PPA slots are possible on pages. A one line text ad above the article is called a promoted headline. A multi-line text ad at the bottom of the article is called a promoted comments.


  • Earn revenue on every article with a promoted headline/comment
  • PPA ads are visilble even with ad blockers
  • No startup or monthly cost.
  • Get the awesome SolidOpinion comment engine which encourages positive comments

Get started

With just a few lines of code add promoted comments and an entirely new revenue stream.

*We will send you account login credentials and your embed code to insert on your page to start using immediately
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