
Pablo Reyes may not be a Facebook Nostradamus...and his edit history proves it

You know how the old saying goes - if something sounds too good to be true, then it probably is.

So what if a Facebook post popped up in your feed dated December 2015, seemingly predicting the deaths of Prince and Muhammad Ali, the worst mass shooting in US history and the impending election of Hillary Clinton as US president?

Wait, is this Nostradamus at work?
Wait, is this Nostradamus at work? Photo: Facebook

It has to be either the work of some kind of social media Nostradamus...or the kind of gee-up designed to catch out people who believe whatever they read online.

Sadly for at least some of the 160,000-plus Facebook users who have shared the "predictions" of Pablo Reyes, it would appear to be the latter - and his edit history proves it.

Facebook's edit history shows Pablo's crystal ball may be a little clouded.
Facebook's edit history shows Pablo's crystal ball may be a little clouded. Photo: Facebook

A quick check on the history of his post dated December 27, 2015 shows it started out as "white people outside taking selfies of tornadoes and shit" before morphing into something apparently more soothsaying on Tuesday.

You can check out the history by clicking the arrow in the top-right hand corner of the post HERE, then selecting "more options" and choosing "edit history".

Previously, post edits were flagged next to the user's name and date of post. But Facebook looks to have dropped that feature.

Mr Reyes, who has almost 100,000 followers and is described on Facebook as a marketing executive from Texas, doesn't appear to have tried this one on before.

But apart from the edit history, the amazingly small ratio of comments to shares - just 17 comments visible on the post on Tuesday - suggests comments might be being deleted to hide some trickery.