
Ghostbusters, Reddit, Twitter and the curious case of the troll who was trolled

A call on Reddit to mount a campaign against positive reviews of Ghostbusters has taken a curious twist, reports Karl Quinn.

The early reviews for Ghostbusters have been far less damning than many had expected – and not everyone is happy about that.

In fact, one poster on Reddit was so miffed by the response that he (or she) tried to incite a virtual riot.

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Trailer: Ghostbusters

In a remake of the 80's hit, a team of female ghostbusters take on paranormal activity in New York city.

"Ok, so obviously the reviews aren't as bad as we had hoped. So what more can we do at this point to make sure that the public knows it's terrible so that it bombs?" user Better_Butter321 wrote.

"We were doing a pretty good job of filtering out positive reviews," they added, "but they consolidated them into a mega thread and now people are starting to say maybe we were wrong. Is there any way to easily get the word out on social media that the positive reviews are probably all paid for?"

Tjhe new Ghostbusters: (from left) Kate McKinnon, Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig and Leslie Jones.
Tjhe new Ghostbusters: (from left) Kate McKinnon, Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig and Leslie Jones. 

Well, yes and no.

That post did in fact get picked up on social media, as journalist Maggie Serota tweeted a screenshot of it, adding that "reddit is slaying me today".


Her tweet has been retweeted more than 700 times, and liked more than 900, suggesting it struck a nerve – if not in relation to what people think of the film, then at least in relation to what they think of reddit users.

But said Reddit users beg to differ.

The thread that follows Better_Butter321's post is anything but a chorus of approval.

"You could just f---ing wait and see the whole film before judging it. You know, like a sane individual," wrote one.

"You are pathetic," wrote another.

"Stop tedious trolling attempts like this," wrote a third. "Where do you get this 'we' crap from?"

Though it appears to have been taken by some on twitter as symptomatic of Reddit as a whole, the original post has had very little support from Redditors. As one commenter observed, it had been "downvoted into oblivion"

But maybe the poster wasn't merely a troll. Maybe they were, in fact, part of a sophisticated counter-critical campaign launched by Sony in anticipation of a drubbing that so far hasn't arrived.

This isn't the first time Better_Butter321 has weighed in on the film. But their previous posts have been aimed at those who criticise the film without having seen it.

Less than a fortnight ago, Better_Butter321 accused Redditors of having "wanted this movie to fail ever since the cast was announced, so you've sought out every bit of minutiae you could about it just so that you could hate on it, because you'd already made up your mind that you wanted it to be awful so that you could be proven right".

They observed "it's not like it's outside of the realm of possibility that critics and audiences end up enjoying this movie" and noted "this movie was never given a chance, not from day one".

Is it the same person? Have they leapt the fence? Or did they merely forget to wipe away their digital fingerprints between posts?

As one commenter snidely observed: "At least keep your troll personality consistent … we CAN read your post history."

Karl Quinn is on Facebook and on twitter @karlkwin

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