Free online issue

Volume 117, No 4
October 2016

ISSN: 0018-067X
EISSN: 1365-2540

2015 Impact Factor 3.801*
29/149 Ecology
12/45 Evolutionary Biology
44/165 Genetics & Heredity

B Mable

*2015 Journal Citation Reports® Science Edition (Thomson Reuters, 2016)


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  • How genetics are helping scientists piece together the history of Alaskan cattle, and the impacts of bear predation on wild salmon.
  • The genetic diversity of hatchery-reared sea urchins and the mysterious link between face colour and reproductive incompatibility in finches.
  • Signatures of selection in desert goats and sheep and a new method for monitoring Wolbachia invasion dynamics in mosquitos.

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Thank you to our reviewers

We would like to thank all those who took the time to review for Heredity in 2015. The journal could not exist without the knowledge and critical evaluation that our reviewers provide. Your generosity is much appreciated, and we hope your association with the journal continues in future. Please click here for the full list of reviewers.

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Kermit Ritland is a population geneticist who has traditionally worked with plant mating systems but more recently with genomics of poplar and spruce. He did his PhD at the University of California, Davis, on the evolution of plant … Read in full

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Data archiving now mandatory

For manuscripts submitted after 1 March 2011, archiving of the primary data on which the study is based is now mandatory for publication in Heredity. The editorial team strongly believes that the free availability of data to other research scientists is beneficial to the development of this field and that electronic archiving now makes this goal attainable. See the Instructions to Authors for further details.

Dryad logoThe Genetics Society and NPG are also delighted to offer all Heredity authors free deposition into Dryad.

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Authors of research articles can opt to pay an article processing charge (APC) for their accepted articles to be open access online immediately upon publication. Open access articles are published under Creative Commons licenses, which allow authors to retain copyright to their work while making it open to readers.
Visit our Open Research Site for detailed information about publishing open access.

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Nature Reviews Genetics

Nature Reviews Genetics

A new article from Nature Reviews Genetics: Using next-generation sequencing to isolate mutant genes from forward genetic screens.

Evolution & Ecology

Evolution & Ecology

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Nature Genetics

Nature Genetics

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7 October 2016
