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The Author and his Mission

The Author:

000795.jpg Oskar Matzerath in Günter Grass’ “Die Blechtrommel” (“The Tin Drum”) encountered the world in shape of a 40 Watts light bulb – in my case, it was Rock’n’Roll music, coming out of a 5 Watts “Rex” mono turntable.
MA degree in History and German Literature from the University of Zurich, Switzerland.

The Mission:

The sole purpose of this blog is to spread word about good music and do a little reflecting about it here and there. It’s not in my intention to rip off bands or possible copyrights holders; a simple message to me will make me take off whatever shouldn’t be here.

There are many many Hardcore, Punk and else blogs on the net, offering almost anything and everything for download and there are countless re-issues of 70s and 80s records available, be they legitimate or illegitimate, good or bad quality. So what you find here is my own personal selection that doesn’t care too much about how “rare” or “special” something is; it’s about music that I want to share.
The files are encoded in quality bit-rate and are all self-made from my own record collection. I will not post records I don’t physically own as I find this tasteless for various reasons.

Enjoy this and let others know what you think by making use of the comments function!
The mp3 files will get deleted sooner or later, to free up space.

Reups: I will not re-up mp3 files once they’re down. Exception: If you make a donation to keep the blog up (server space costs about 12$ a month), I will send you some mp3 files per email. Once the money for maintenance has been collected, this service won’t be available.
Ads: I’m not taking ads, but in order to keep this blog going, your donations are inevitable. This is a non-profit enterprise.
Links: If you want to exchange links, feel free to get in touch!
Copyright: Everything written by the admin of this site is (c).