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heavy-metal2j.jpgSome fellow bloggers (from the honorable Something I learned today and Last Days of Man blogs) recently had their first Podcasts and I enjoyed them quite a bit. So here’s mine.
BEHOLD THE SECRET OF STEEL features what I felt like ripping from my Metal collection. I didn’t follow a concept really, I tried to focus on bands that I either knew personally or saw live back in the days of long hair. So things are quite mixed up stylisticly. The rougher stuff will scratch along the genre of Power Metal / Thrash Metal (Overkill and Nasty Savage namely). The time frame is roughly the one from the late 70s to the mid 80s. Metalheads will of course know all of these songs, they’re all considered classic in one way or another.

This time, we have real Metal. No Punk shit, no HC crap – just good ol’HM, sometimes cheesy (Medieval Steel), heartwarmingly naive (Acid), not of this earth (Trouble), lucid and sinister (Nasty Savage) or politically charged (Trust).
So get your airgeetars ready and bang your head!!

Download Podcast (1’01”, 85.6 MB)

1. Intro / BITCHES SIN: Strangers on the Shore (UK, 1980)
2. OSTROGOTH: Full Moon Eyes (Belgium, 1984)
3. FLYTE: Oh for the Brains of a Ludwig (UK, 1983)
4. NASTY SAVAGE: Unchained Angel (USA, 1984)
5. ACID: America (Belgium, 1983)
6. TRUST: Antisocial (France, 1980)
7. OVERKILL: Overkill (USA, 1984)
8. MANILLA ROAD: Necropolis (USA, 1983)
9. WARLORD: Deliver us (USA, 1983)
10. SAVAGE GRACE: Too young to die (USA, 1983)
11. MEDIEVAL STEEL: Medieval Steel (USA, 1984)
12. JAG PANZER: Harder than Steel (USA, 1984)
13. ANGEL WITCH: Baphomet (UK, 1979)


  1. 666

    tasty tasty! total expert selection. hit after hit – so great!!! but wheres Troubble????


    Posted on 27-Feb-07 at 15:52 | Permalink
  2. Anonymous



    Posted on 27-Feb-07 at 16:16 | Permalink
  3. Simon

    Some great stuff here, thanks! I look forward to volume 2.


    Posted on 27-Feb-07 at 22:02 | Permalink
  4. Anonymous

    great kitsch! that band flyte is amazing!


    Posted on 28-Feb-07 at 06:01 | Permalink
  5. Anonymous

    heavy metal = music for people who can’t cope with reality


    Posted on 28-Feb-07 at 06:57 | Permalink
  6. Lucca - Firenze

    I love it! Will there a be a follow up with some more chattering?


    Posted on 28-Feb-07 at 07:51 | Permalink
  7. Joe Stumble

    This is all well and good but when-oh-when will I get to hear those 2 early Bathory comp tracks????


    Posted on 28-Feb-07 at 12:23 | Permalink
  8. Erich

    As soon as we’re ready to unveil more secrets of steel, when we’ve dug ourselves in deeper, I’ll be posting them. They wouldn’t have fit in the first podcast. “Stay tuned” (now that was cheap).


    Posted on 28-Feb-07 at 12:46 | Permalink
  9. Anonymous

    “heavy metal is stupid-kid music”
    kurt cobain


    IRON MAIDEN Reply:

    curt cobain what a morron


    Posted on 28-Feb-07 at 13:22 | Permalink
  10. Picard

    On 13 bands, I think I must know the MUSIC (and not only the NAMES) of… 2 bands.
    I guess it’s must be a “Generation thing”. As a 90’s teenager, I was more aware of, let’s say, Prong or Carcass than of Angel Witch or Savage Grave.
    Yet, as a every good French metalhead, I had the “Répression dans l’Hexagone” album!
    Funny: no Swiis band in this first selection? Oh, Erich, you’re a bad patriot!


    Posted on 28-Feb-07 at 14:16 | Permalink
  11. Erich

    “Oh, Erich, you’re a bad patriot!”


    Well, that was only the tip of the iron iceberg. Metal of the 70s / 80s seems to be way more obscured than HC or Punk. Shame.


    Posted on 28-Feb-07 at 14:29 | Permalink
  12. Anonymous

    who cares about curt cobain? and besiddes: he was very much into metal himself.


    Posted on 28-Feb-07 at 14:52 | Permalink
  13. No Labels

    Picard a dit…
    “…or Savage GRAVE.”
    NOW, that’s a fuckin cool name !
    Vacant Grave, beware !!!


    Posted on 28-Feb-07 at 17:08 | Permalink
  14. Simon

    Christ, who cares what some dirty junkie shithead in a crap pop group– like Kurt Cobain– thought about anything?

    I think this is great and my tastes are far more important than that dead moron’s.


    Posted on 28-Feb-07 at 18:03 | Permalink
  15. Tom

    how do you listen? do you just download the whole big thing and then play it?


    Posted on 28-Feb-07 at 20:21 | Permalink
  16. Erich

    ‘cactly Tom – or you loadd iTunes,go to “Podcasts” and from there you will open it as a stream. That seems to be the best way.

    Kurt Cobain was a metalhead. There would be more nice things to say about him, like having released 2 great albums (“Nevermind” and “Unplugged”; two impressive records that will stand the test of time).


    Posted on 01-Mar-07 at 01:23 | Permalink
  17. fred

    Jag Panzer! Colorado’s finest metal export. Still around at Oh, I just looked at that site and see that they played in Germany with my favorite contemporary metalband, Lord Weird Slough Feg! Raven? Virgin Steele?


    Posted on 01-Mar-07 at 06:48 | Permalink
  18. vrugitz

    do you or anybody else has Destrucktions Lp – Vox Populi?


    Posted on 01-Mar-07 at 11:56 | Permalink
  19. NoneButChubu

    i really love the voice of the guy on manilla road.
    the end of the overkill song is wicked sweet.

    keep the obscure metal coming.. please!


    Posted on 01-Mar-07 at 12:26 | Permalink
  20. Eric

    I’m looking forward to throwing this on the ipod and digesting while driving to and from work. Metal is the best remedy for gridlock. Most of these I’ve only heard of, never heard, so this should be interesting.


    Posted on 02-Mar-07 at 08:40 | Permalink
  21. Anonymous

    Made a CDR with it – FANTASTIC!!! Thanks for this! Great great stuff. Faves being MANILLA ROAD (which albums should I buy?), FLYTE, MEDIEVAL STEEL & SAVAGE GRACE. Can you give more details?


    Posted on 03-Mar-07 at 06:46 | Permalink
  22. Anonymous

    Blows away all the Punk shit!


    Posted on 03-Mar-07 at 08:14 | Permalink
  23. Anonymous

    Sometimes cheesy? No, always cheesy!


    Posted on 03-Mar-07 at 09:07 | Permalink
  24. Erich

    There’s nothing wrong with cheese!


    Posted on 03-Mar-07 at 09:12 | Permalink
  25. Anonymous

    Blows away all the Punk shit! “

    nope, just blows shit


    Posted on 03-Mar-07 at 10:32 | Permalink
  26. Picard

    I thought about it for several days and I made my mind: I’m gonna create a metal band called “Savage GRAVE”.
    For real.


    Posted on 03-Mar-07 at 14:58 | Permalink
  27. Anonymous

    Nice to see Ostrogoth (first band I ever saw, in 1983) and Acid in such company!!!

    Nice comp, when metal was still metal. (Where’s the mighty Trouble?) In fact metal was a lot more exciting than now. Same goes for punkrock and hardcore …

    Danny, Belgium


    Posted on 04-Mar-07 at 13:38 | Permalink
  28. Anonymous

    Angel Witch is the best metal band and their first l.p. the best album of all times


    Posted on 05-Mar-07 at 12:20 | Permalink
  29. Slobodan Burgher

    Ok, finally bothered to listen to this and guess what: It is fucking good scheiBe! And I like it.

    Totally throwing all the punk shit out the window now!

    More cheese! Well done.


    Posted on 08-Mar-07 at 09:56 | Permalink
  30. Anonymous

    don’t listen to too much metal, it will mak


    Posted on 12-Mar-07 at 17:10 | Permalink
  31. I really enjoyed this. 80’s Metal is fun. Thanks.


    Posted on 29-Jul-07 at 16:12 | Permalink
  32. sickie

    kurt kobain is a dead asshole


    Posted on 15-Oct-07 at 17:18 | Permalink
  33. sickie

    sorry anonymous you must be a young kid as your head is straight up your burger king ass


    Posted on 15-Oct-07 at 17:20 | Permalink
  34. Alexander Rowson

    MORE METAL PLEASE! This podcast does taste a little of “irony”, unfortunately… but overall pretty kick-ass.


    Posted on 19-Feb-08 at 14:00 | Permalink
  35. Nikolas

    And so i remembered…
    Where is BEHOLD THE SECRET OF STEEL Vol.2?????????
    Volume 1 was so great man….
    We are looking forward to it…
    Thanks again for your time


    Posted on 11-Aug-09 at 13:52 | Permalink
  36. Nikolas: I might be doing a Vol.2 soon.

    And Alexander (whose comment I noticed a little late): No, I’m totally unironic when it comes to my love for Metal.


    Posted on 11-Aug-09 at 19:42 | Permalink
  37. Nikolas

    Admin, we are waiting for the Vol.2……………


    Posted on 12-Aug-09 at 11:38 | Permalink
  38. Flyteman

    ‘can you give more details’

    What would you like to know about Flyte?


    Posted on 09-Oct-09 at 01:15 | Permalink
  39. Hi Flyteman: Just about anything and everything! Is there any other material around, like a demo or so? Can I get it and give your (ex?)band the exposure you guys deserved? What’s the band’s history? etc. etc. “Oh for the brains” has always been one of my top top top favourite metal songs ever!


    Posted on 09-Oct-09 at 07:56 | Permalink
  40. Flyteman

    Hi Erich, I have very little from my Flyte days, I don’t think I even have a copy of the album the track would have been lifted from.
    I know there was plenty of demo stuff on tape of some description but as to who has that now I wouldn’t know. Extremely odd feeling to stumble across this after something like a quarter of a centry (ughh).


    Posted on 09-Oct-09 at 17:03 | Permalink
  41. And it feels very odd to me too. As soon as the “Metal Warriors” comp. came out and I heard the FLYTE song, I fell totally in love with it. I played it to so many people since and everybody, I think, understood my admiration for it. Especially the “medieval-sounding” intro part is so damn catchy, I’d love to hear more! What did you play? How come such a talented bunch never released anything else?


    Posted on 09-Oct-09 at 17:23 | Permalink
  42. Flyteman

    I open the guitar riff but didn’t do the solo on this one – we played twin/harmony on most songs with some keys thrown in here and there. I never understood why this track made it to vinyl cos to me the vocals in places are unlistenable – but then I was the newbie and only 17 years old so it was just fun to be there.


    Posted on 09-Oct-09 at 18:09 | Permalink
  43. The vocals are the weak part, I’d agree. Still: The song is a total winner and if you could try and dig up the tape, that’d be much, much appreciated. Was there a demo you sent to Ebony? Was this an exclusive recording?


    Posted on 09-Oct-09 at 18:39 | Permalink
  44. Flyteman

    The whole shooting match will be Ebony’s because Darryl Johnston had a recording studio as well as the label and produced the tracks (we did two) and so I presume he owns(ed) everything. There were some other songs recorded at The Enid’s studio, but I don’t have any of those. I’ll see what I can find out.


    Posted on 09-Oct-09 at 18:53 | Permalink
  45. thanks so much for the info, Flyteman! I’m chuffed. Finally, there’s some light coming into one of NWOBHMs mystery band’s history.


    Posted on 09-Oct-09 at 19:26 | Permalink
  46. Hi, “Wilko” here. I was the bass player on this track & cannot believe the interest in the band after all these years. I joined after the band recorded “Lonely Is The Night” which was popular @ the time when played at the weekly rock disco @ Leicester Uni. for which the band did the P.A (sound) etc. The rest of the line-up during my time in the band was Tremayne-Vox,Chris-Lead Guitar, Mark-Guitar(later replaced by Andy) & Scotty-Drums. The band were Leicester based & as “Flyteman” (is that you Andy)? correctly stated, did some demos @ The Enids studio which were never released, so “Ludwig” is sadly the bands only released legacy to my knowledge. The songs were great, but the right breaks never came. (Too many “practice room tours”)!! I lost touch with the band after leaving to join “Pretty Wicked” UK (ex Valhalla/Wikkyd Vikker) .. but that’s ANOTHER story! GREAT memories though. “Wilko”…………


    Admin Reply:

    hi wilko – if you could provide any demo material (or live or practice recordings), that’d be great and much appreciated!


    Posted on 14-Mar-12 at 20:57 | Permalink
  47. Hi Admin.
    If it were down to me, then you would have been more than welcome to have all of my old recordings of “Flyte”, but unfortunately, as it was such a long time ago, mine are all on cassette only.
    I don’t know if “Flyteman” or any other former members of the band can help you with converted mp3s etc.? I do hope so as your continued support & interest is very much appreciated.
    Keep on rockin’!! Best wishes…… WILKO


    Admin Reply:

    I could easily convert cassette recordings to mp3. I’ll drop you a mail, hope the adress you left is correct.


    Posted on 15-Mar-12 at 20:50 | Permalink
  48. CROM

    We need Vol. 2 in 2013!!


    Posted on 28-Jan-13 at 07:24 | Permalink

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