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No Pipelines on Indigenous Land

August 23, 2016

Over the last two days, Justseeds’ member Dylan Miner put together some graphics in solidarity with Standing Rock resistance to the Dakota Access Pipeline. You can read about Native support here at Indian Country Today and there are lots of other places online to access information about the resistance. I am sharing these images, so feel free to use these graphics and share them.

Minneapolis-based Anishinaabe designer and activist Ashley Fairbanks worked with Witt Siasoco to screenprint 100 posters on August 25. These posters are available to folks who donate at least $25 to the Sacred Stone Camp. You can find information on Ashley’s Facebook page. She writes that:

“I have exactly 100 posters to sell. They are screenprinted on 6 beautiful colors of French Paper. You can get one for a minimum donation of $25. Every single penny will go to Standing Rock (The use of the artwork was generously allowed by Dylan Miner, all the supplies and time were donated by Witt and I.)

 You can access a high-res version of the No Pipelines on Indigenous Land image – with chatter – here.


 You can access a high-res version of the No Pipelines on Indigenous Land image – without chatter – here.


 You can access a high-res version of the I Stand with Standing Rock image – with chatter – here.

Ecology & AnimalsEducationEnvironment & ClimateGlobal SolidarityIndigenous ResistanceRacial JusticeSocial Movements

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