Was Craig Cobb at the NSM Rome Georgia Rally?

Here is a photo of the NSM rally in Rome Georgia on April 23, 2016

NSM rally April 23, 2016 Rome Georgia.

NSM rally April 23, 2016 Rome Georgia.

Let’s take a closer look…

Is this Craig Cobb

Is this Craig Cobb?

Craig Cobb is a long time white supremacist who is now on probation till the year 2018.

Same guy?

Same guy?

Cobb is most famous for his latest stunt of trying to take over the town of Leigh ND and then terrorizing the people of that town with the threat of firearms.

Is he in violation of his probation?

According to Freakout Nation (link above) the terms are:

A few of them are as follows:

He can have no contact with the victims.
He cannot be in possession of guns or weapons.
He must be employed.
GPS Monitoring.
He cannot associate with known felons.
His residence, car and computer may be searched at any time.

We are looking forward to more on this ….

NOTE: if this is NOT Craig Cobb please let us know in the comment section.




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One Response to Was Craig Cobb at the NSM Rome Georgia Rally?

  1. The Lamp says:

    Reblogged this on The Lamp and commented:

    Is it?


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