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Features & translations
A Jewish and democratic state – how to live with the oppression of the minority and still feel good
Shmuel Amir - the only way to turn Israel into a democratic state that cannot be undermined is simple: expel all

Red Rag column: Obama: the god that failed. The return of Barak.
Gideon Spiro - Obama is continuing the policies of his predecessors, with generous economic and political support

Red Rag column: the robbed occupier; force-feeding; Women`s Boat to Gaza
Gideon Spiro - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s manipulative use of the loaded term “ethnic cleansing” while d

Red Rag column: Syria and Israel; Holocaust denial and Nakba denial; Uzi Baram
Gideon Spiro - In recent days we have been hearing about populations being starved due to siege, which brings to

Red Rag column: new school year and ongoing conflict
Gideon Spiro - Over 30 years ago, when my spouse and I accompanied our children to grade 1, I was troubled by anx

Red Rag column: Gratuitous hate; toxic Judaism; the Munich Olympics murders
Gideon Spiro - The 11 who perished at Munich in 1972 could be with us today, if Prime Minister Golda Meir had not

Red Rag column: on boycott of Israel
Gideon Spiro - since the author is an Israeli who supports BDS, he is preparing for the day when the Israeli gove

Red Rag column: Storm over Mahmoud Darwish
Gideon Spiro - Occupaton Magazine "Seventy-one years since the dropping of the atom bomb on Hiroshima. Re

Red Rag column: Storm over Mahmoud Darwish
Gideon Spiro - Palestinian national poet Mahmoud Darwish is also the poet of uprooted and expelled refugees from

Israel has won - really?
Shmuel Amir - Hagada Hasmalit - It is strange, to put it mildly, how Amira Hass instructs the Palestinian leaders

Red Rag column: Rabbinical homophobia; terror in Nice and Israel; letter to Judge Shmuel Herbst
Gideon Spiro - Whoever wants to know what Israel is likely to look like a few years from now should cast a glance

Israel`s Great Divide
Al Jazeera--Are Jews of Middle Eastern, North African and Spanish descent discriminated against in Israel? dn

Red Rag column, June 29
Gideon Spiro - "Brexit; letter to Supreme Court judges; "Consensus" at Ben-Gurion University." ca

Red Rag column: Brexit; letter to Supreme Court judges; "Consensus" at Ben-Gurion University
Gideon Spiro - The word “justice” is castrated when children and old people are made homeless under its aegis. Th

Red Rag column: Muhammad Ali, RIP. Occupation-refuser Giora Neumann.
Gideon Spiro - Muhammad Ali embodied the victory of the human and humane spirit of one man in the face of an oppr

Red Rag column: two pieces from the archive
Gideon Spiro - Boycott of Israel, and "Jerusalem Day": essays from 2003 and 2004, relevant to the current situati

Red Rag column: Defence Minister Lieberman; Yair Golan; Vanunu
Gideon Spiro - The appointment of Avigdor Lieberman as Defence Minister provoked fear among many in Israel, who a

Red Rag column: Gideon Spiro` book; Remembrance Day; the Trek to Poland
Gideon Spiro - The Red Rag column went on vacation for a while because I was busy with the publication of my fi

Where are the lives of Jews safest? (Is Israel the safest place for Jews?)
Shmuel Amir - Hagada Hasmalit - Those who claim that only in Israel are Jews safe need at least to remember tha

Red Rag column: What is a terrorist organization? Letter to Alshaikh and Yaalon. Donald Trump.
US citizens: there is still time to extricate this malignant tumour. Here in Israel we waited too long, metasta

On the good Zionists who did not bother to read Herzl
Shmuel Amir - Hagada Hasmalit - It is regrettable that even Amos Schocken, in his excellent and courageous arti

Red Rag column: On silence; Balad MKs; Dov Yermiya, RIP; letter to the Attorney-General
Gideon Spiro - The anti-Occupation organization Breaking the Silence is being subjected to a campaign of incite

Israelis and Palestinians demonstrate against West Bank land expropriation

Red Rag column: Ezra Nawi`s arrest; Tair Kaminer; Natali Cohen Vaksberg
Gideon Spiro - Ezra Nawi is a friend of mine, and I am not in the habit of throwing friends to the dogs just be

Red Rag column: False flag in Paris? Uprising of the knives - Israel police rape culture - Yossi Sarid, RIP
Gideon Spiro - The Israel Police rape culture is a mirror in which the pathology of the whole country is reflec

Israel’s ambassador taunts the White House (again) with holiday gift of settlement goods
Philip Weiss - Mondoweiss "Yesterday Israeli Ambassador Ron Dermer announced that his holiday gift packag

Red Rag column: Netanyahu and the Mufti - Palestinian Grynszpans? - One-State solution
Gideon Spiro - Imagine a declaration to the effect that we should look at Eichmann in a new light. He was not a

Red Rag column: the slave revolt
Gideon Spiro - What has been happening here in recent weeks is not a “wave of terror” but a spontaneous slave r

Red Rag column: No to Roni Alsheikh for Israel Police Commissioner!
Gideon Spiro - Roni Alsheikh; Children of the Stones in Jerusalem; Let Mordechai Vanunu join his wife in Oslo

Red Rag column: On turning 80
Gideon Spiro - To all my well-wishers, thanks from the bottom of my heart. A few words about old age. At age 20

Red Rag column: new police commissioner; US youth volunteer for the Occupation army; observations on Meretz
Gideon Spiro - This week 160 young Jews arrived in Israel from the United States in order to volunteer to serve

Red Rag column: Krystallnacht Judaism; the Iran agreement; letter to Judge Esther Chayut
Gideon Spiro - The murder of the baby Ali Dawabshe in the village of Douma, and the danger of death that threat

Red Rag column: Reflections on the 1980s
Gideon Spiro - Memories from the 1980s, and one lesson. One year since the crime of "Protective Edge". Thank yo

Red Rag: Settlers speak - Correspondence with Amos Oz - Dr. Ilana Dayan, queen of Galei Tzahal
Gideon Spiro to Amos Oz in 1986: `An inextricable part of the corruption I spoke of above is the new language t

Red Rag column: Israeli antisemitism; Vanunu`s wedding; Moshe Levinger; Ethiopian protests
Gideon Spiro - Not only is Mordechai Vanunu not broken, but he is looking to the future with optimism. This wee

`I Love Jerusalem. I Hate Racism!`
Beate Zilversmidt - On the bus from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem with a school class of greatly misbehaving teenagers.

Don`t be afraid to talk about Zionism
Shmuel Amir - Hagada Hasmalit - Is practical Zionism really over? On the contrary, it looks like it is alive an

Red Rag column: not democratic and not legitimate
Gideon Spiro - I will begin by asserting that the latest elections were not democratic. The elected government,

Red Rag column: Time to decide
Gideon Spiro - I am faced with three choices: a blank ballot, as the Pirate Party suggests, Meretz, or the Join

Red Rag column: Holocaust-denial, settler style
Gideon Spiro - If Israeli human-rights organizations enjoy the support of Der Stürmer as the settlers cl

Meet the Israeli lawyer fighting the occupation in court
Video by Oren Ziv/Activestills.org - "For Palestinians in the West Bank, Ofer Military Court has come to be

Israel-US: an alliance of shared values
Shmuel Amir - Hagada Hasmalit - Is there not a danger or chance (depends on who’s looking) that an independent

Red Rag column: terrorist judges; lynching in Jerusalem
Gideon Spiro - I am writing this letter on International Holocaust Remembrance Day and I am reminded of the wor

Another election: expect no peace breakthrough
Shmuel Amir - Hagada Hasmalit - Among all the contending parties is there one party – just one – that truly asp

My Israel
Ralph Benmergui--The first video of a 4-part series of My Israel, in which Ralph Benmergui sets out to find ans

Red Rag column: Elections in Israel; political Supreme Court; Noam Kaminer, RIP
Gideon Spiro - The Netanyahu government has dissolved itself and the public is feeling fed up with Netanyahu. T

Red Rag weekly column: Atrocity in Jerusalem; PM Bennett: 3 scenarios
Gideon Spiro - After Baruch Goldstein murdered 29 Muslim worshippers in a mosque in Hebron, the Rabin governmen

Red Rag weekly column: Haneen Zoabi, Azmi Bishara and Hani Zubida
Gideon Spiro - The pilot, the airplane and the missile are all products of the scientific era, everything is di

Red Rag weekly column: Netanyahu the propagandist; ISIS
Gideon Spiro - The Israeli Prime Minister’s speech at the UN (29 September 2014) was typical propaganda. Any pr

Abbas UN Speech To Include Bid For Ending Occupation
IMEMC & Agencies - IMEMC "He said his speech would outline a “vision" the Palestinian leadership will be ta

Red Rag weekly column: The Hour of the Right
Gideon Spiro - The power of the racist incitement against the Arabs has reached nearly 10 on the Incitement Scale

Pride and predicament
Adam Keller - Crazy Country - Prime Minister Netanyahu has already found the culprit: "Abu Mazen is responsible f

Open Letter to Scarlett Johansson
Beate Zilversmidt: Your controversy ultimately may help draw worldwide attention to the facts of the occupation

Imprisonment of Conscientious Objector Mahmood Saad
New Profile - "Mahmood Saad, 20 years old from Shfaamer, a village in the Galil, was arrested on 6.12.2013 a

Red Rag weekly column: In memory of Mandela
Gideon Spiro - Netanyahu and Peres did well to stay away from Nelson Mandela`s memorial service in South Africa -

Red Rag Weekly Column
Gideon Spiro - Black November: the anniversaries of Krystallnacht and the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin - the as

Palestinian Lands Uprooted Near Al-Khader
IMEMC & Agencies - "[Thursday November 21, 2013] Dozens of Israeli soldiers invaded the Baten Al-Ma’sy Mount

UNDER THE FORESTS - A satiric piece full of wishful thinking
Rafi Shtendel Chairperson, New KKL -JNF November 2013 "The title refers to AB Yehoshua’s novella, “Facing th

Red Rag column: Great, another war!
Gideon Spiro - Things are developing much to the satisfaction of the government of Israel. The Israeli and conser

Zionism and torn papers
Adam Keller - Crazy Country - Why did Jewish Knesset Members from Meretz and Labor and even Shas mobilize again

Yiddish classic--our village is burning-- adapted to the Palestinian situation
Annie Robbins--video dn

Strategic assets and a threatening toilet
Adam Keller - Crazy Country - And Secretary of State John Kerry? Well, we are patiently waiting for the announc

Solidarity shifts in Sheikh Jarrah: 17 to 20 May
Sheikh Jarrah Protest - "The Shamashne family has decided to erect a protest tent outside of their house, an

Never a dull moment in this crazy country (week review)
Adam Keller - Crazy Country - The Shamasnah family in the Sheikh Jarrah Neighborhood of East Jerusalem is far

Video:Israeli occupation bulldozers demolished a house and a building in al-Tur village– Jerusalem
Video - Silwanic Net ca

Winds of war
Adam Keller - From the polling stations to the long waiting lines at the gas mask distribution stations (...) aft

A story of a Palestinian village without basic infrastructure #2
Blog - Wordpress "Why Do They Want Wipe an Entire Palestinian Village from the Map, and Not for the First Tim

The Israeli Green Party and Gideon Spiro: a correspondence
Gideon Spiro - How can an "Israeli Green Party" that ignores the issue of radioactive waste be relevant?

Red Rag: can Germans criticize Israel?
Gideon Spiro - Is a German allowed to criticize Israel? Reflections on the history of the dehumanization of the O

Red Rag weekly column: polishing swords; value of a Palestinian woman`s life
Gideon Spiro - polishing swords - price of a Palestinian life - hardship of life in Israel - brainwashing Jewish

Week 2357 of Occupation
Daniel Breslau - Occupation Magazine - The cleansing of the Jordan Valley and South Hebron Hills

Red Rag column: Moshe Silman; propaganda film; Olmert`s acquittal; the Levy Report; ugly Israel
Gideon Spiro - Moshe Silman; Propaganda about Dimona; Olmert`s acquittal; military service for Haredim; the Occup

No Accreditation for Expropriation
Reuven Kaminer - Email "The Israeli Council for Higher Education has protested the usurpation of its authori

An immigrant in his own country
Sami Michael - If we don’t find a solution besides the machine-gun and the tank, which we have already seen are h

Beating & abuse
B"Tselem - "Testimonies taken by B’Tselem indicates that during April 2012, soldiers arrested Muhammad a-Zir

Susiya Forever - Stop the Demolition
Susiya Forever - "On Friday, June 22 we will stand side by side with the residents of Palestinian Susya in a p

URGENT: Act now for Mahmoud Sarsak on 88th day of hunger strike; Palestinian soccer star at risk of death
SAMIDOUN - Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network "As European soccer stars compete in the European Champi

Red Rag weekly column: `One leader, one nation, one kingdom`
Gideon Spiro - One leader, one nation, one kingdom - Ahinoam Nini - file closed on Samouni family massacre - Nakb

Choose Your Theatre: London or Ariel
Vardit Shalfy - Haaretz - Did the theaters really have no choice but to surrender to the dictate of Culture Minis

To talk about ourselves
Nir Baram - Haokets - Today it was reported that after Nir Baram’s speech at the Writers’ Festival two years ago,

Police besiege, arrest activists planning to commemorate Nakba in Tel Aviv
Haggai Matar - +972 Some 15 activists from the organization Zochrot were besieged by police on Wednesday night

Israel mobilizes special forces to deport ‘flytilla’ activists
Allison Deger - Mondoweiss "The AirFlofilla2 is an expensive direct action. Activists from around the world w

Deal reached to free Hana Shalabi
Ma`an News Agency - "The officials say Shalabi will be sent to Gaza for three years in exchange for giving u

Civil Disobedience
Nurit Peled-Elhanan - Israelis must refuse to obey unjust laws just as South Africans did.

New extreme right plan: How to `Annex all of Judea and Samaria` and maintain Jewish supremacy
KM Uri Ariel of the National Union party today presented a new plan: The entire West Bank to be annexed to Israel

Red Rag: Divine Terror
Gideon Spiro - Divine terror - All quiet on the Gaza Front - The Great Inventor - another right-wing innovation -

UN report: Smuggling tunnels help alleviate Gaza`s economic woes
Amira Hass - Haaretz "The smuggling tunnels under the Gaza-Egypt border are the primary cause of the improvem

Dissolving the Palestinian National Authority or considering a new strategic direction
Sameer Abu Eisheh - Bitterlemons "The facts on the ground, especially the accomplishments in building insti

Israeli leftists demonstrate for PA statehood in TA
Ben Hartman - Jerusalem Post "Dozens of Israeli artists and academics on Thursday proclaimed their support fo

The Shabab Vs.The Jesh at Qalandia Checkpoint 21-9-2011.wmv
You Tube "During a violent five-hour clash between Palestinian youths and Israeli special forces at the Qaland

Jenin’s Freedom Theater raided by the Israeli army
Joseph Dana - 972 magazine "Overnight, roughly 50 Israeli Special Forces troops raided the Jenin Freedom Thea

The other Jerusalem march
Haaretz - Editorial "The Friday march is meant to be a joint demonstration by the peace-seekers of both Israe

Pyrrhus in Piraeus
Adam Keller - One could have thought that Israel was facing a major invasion by a mighty fleet of dreadnaughts. <

Israel 2011 - it depends what you are boycotting
Adam Keller - If this law is passed, Israeli consumers would be allowed to call for a boycott of products sold at

Israeli geography 101: song
David Rovics - For a long time now, every time I hear an Israeli patriot or apologist complaining that such-and-s

On the academic boycott (again) - plus exchange of letters
Article on boycott of Israel by Prof. Ran Greenstein, followed by an extended exchange of letters with Prof. Robe

Red Rag Weekly Column
Gideon Spiro - Judges of the Deportation Service - Dr. Strangelove - Another step towards fascism

Video 5 minute-- A Week in Gaza
Helping traumatized children

Israel/Palestine and the apartheid analogy (part 2)
Ran Greenstein - In the previous section I made a distinction between historical apartheid (unique to South Afric

Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) releases a Statistical
Statistical Report 2009 - PCBS "Available data indicate that the number of settlers in the West Bank reache

Week 2252 of Occupation
Daniel Breslau - Occupation Magazine - When talks are bad for peace - The prison diet improves - Wave of West Ban

Is Israel singled out - and why?
Adam Keller - "The State of Israel has been vociferously criticized for planting settlers in the occupied territo

Jerusalem/al-Quds Multi-Day Tour
The Jerusalem/Al Quds Multi-day tour is a unique experience that allows you to get to know the city and its many

Sleepless in Gaza
A video diary about life in the Occupied Palestinian Territories

Articles by Victoria Buch
The editors of Occupation Magazine are mourning the recent loss of our friend and co-editor, Professor Victoria B

Our friend and co-editor, Victoria Buch, has passed away
The Occupation Magazine Team


Palestinian suffers severe skull injuries after being hit by Israeli sound bomb
Ma`an - A doctor at the al-Makassed hospital told Ma’an that 20-year old Muhammad Hussein Khweis was being treated in the intensive care unit after a sound bomb fired by Israeli forces in his direction hit him in the back of the head, causing him to fall to the ground and faint. [bz]
Why Nahum Barnea is not for evacuating Amona
Nahum Barnea - Ynet - From an ethical perspective, whoever petitions the High Court over outposts built on private land is helping legitimize settlements in the rest of the area; from a practical perspective, the greater the protest in the settlement sector, the larger the compensation that will be paid for evacuation by consent. [bz]
World Leaders Gather to Mourn Shimon Peres, and Possibly His Dream
Peter Baker - New York Times - In his eulogy, Mr. Netanyahu welcomed by name many of the foreign figures in attendance without mentioning Mr. Abbas. It was left to Mr. Obama to acknowledge the Palestinian leader, saying that his “presence here is a gesture and a reminder of the unfinished business of peace.” For his part, Mr. Abbas, in a move perceived by some analysts as a jab at Mr. Netanyahu’s government, brought along an adviser, Mohammed al-Madani, who was barred by Israel last summer for “subversive” activities. [bz]
A Jewish and democratic state – how to live with the oppression of the minority and still feel good
Shmuel Amir - the only way to turn Israel into a democratic state that cannot be undermined is simple: expel all the Palestinians from here. Then there will be no one left to discriminate against, to marginalize and from whom to deny rights generally. We will remain here by ourselves to be as democratic as we want with ourselves. Surely it should be clear that as long as there are Arabs among us we will be unable to be a democratic state, even if we want to be. Our entire past proves that. gm
Detainee Jawareesh Starts Hunger Strike Demanding Ending Violations, Constant Transfers
IMEMC - "Mohammad Hamida, the head of the Association of Palestinian Prisoners called on international human rights and legal groups to intervene and stop the constant and escalating violations against the detainees, and the illegal policies of medical neglect, which recently claimed the life of detainee Yasser Hamdouni." id
Israel police target Palestinian Balad party in arrests
Zena Tahhan - Al Jazeera - "Six party members and activists, including party chairman Awad Abdel Fattah, remain in police custody, while at least 29 others were released after varying periods of interrogation." - id
Reduced to a number – robbing Palestinians of their humanity
al-Khalil team - International Solidarity Movement - "Imagine ‘loosing’ your identity to a foreign occupying army not only taking your land, but attempting to take your personality, your identity, your whole existence; reducing you to a simple number on a piece of paper, stripping you of your humanity." - id
Israeli Forces Demolish Palestinian School for 4th Time
IMEMC - " The school is located in area C of the West Bank, between the illegal settlements of Ma’ale Adumim and Qedar: an area that has been marked by the Israeli authorities as Area E1, site of the planned expansion of Ma’ale Adumim in order to create territorial contiguity between the settlement and Jerusalem." - id
Netanyahu’s “happy talk” campaign to destroy peace
Ray Hanania - The Arab Daily News - "Benjamin Netanyahu has done everything possible to destroy the peace process and prevent the establishment of a Palestinian State, but cleverly disguises his nation’s brutality with “happy talk” and disingenuous pleas for I“peace.”" - id
Not just Amona: Thousands of settlement homes face possible evacuation
Oded Shalom, Elisha Ben-Kimon - Ynet - "Many buildings it turns out were built on private rather than state- owned lands, making them illegal; project shows how complicated settling West Bank settlement issue is." - id|
For previous articles since 2004 go to respective sections

Recommended articles

Shmuel Amir: A Jewish and democratic state – how to live with the oppression of the minority and still feel good
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PNN/Bethlehem:UN welcome agreement reached by Israeli and PA to resolve the issue of the outstanding electricity debts
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