
!שכנינו! די לשגעון

Written by A. Rian, in Ramallah Thursday, 25 June 2009

We have received this text written in Hebrew from a Palestinian, addressed to the masses of Israel. Although we may not agree with every detail of this letter, we publish it as it shows that even in the midst of the terrible barbarism unleashed by the Zionist state, there are Palestinians who are thinking and can see the class differences on both sides of the divide and see a solution in the working people on both sides uniting against the common enemy.


?ישראל בת 60 – מה הלאה עבור ההמונים בישראל ופלסטין

Written by Luke Wilson Monday, 02 June 2008

העובדים המצריים הם המפתח

Written by Ian Aylett Wednesday, 09 January 2008
Hebrew translation of Egyptian workers the key (January 8, 2008)

פקיסטן: ההתנקשות בבנאזיר בוטו

Written by Alan Woods Friday, 28 December 2007
Hebrew translation of Pakistan: The assassination of Benazir Bhutto (December 27, 2007)

מושארף מסיר את מדיו: פקיסטן נכנסת לשלב חדש של מאבק מעמדי

Written by Alan Woods Wednesday, 19 December 2007

(רוסיה: שביתה מכרעת במפעל "פורד" בלנינגרד (סנט פטרבורג

Written by Alexey Petrov Friday, 14 December 2007

המהפכה הסינית

Written by Ted Grant Thursday, 05 April 2007
Hebrew translation of The Chinese Revolution by Ted Grant (1949)

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