WA News

The floating picnic table with an outboard set to make waves in Perth


We're tempted to leave it there - but a bit more explanation of how a picnic table came to have an outboard engine and a set of floats is warranted.

Esky + picnic table + barrels + outboard engine = summer fun.
Esky + picnic table + barrels + outboard engine = summer fun. Photo: @DunnoEngineering

"It was just one of those things where it's been in your mind for a while and we just decided to make it," Luke Brown from Dunno Engineering said.

"We're heading down south to see a mate and we need another boat, so we though why not?"

The vessel was made from scrap collected from a building site.
The vessel was made from scrap collected from a building site. Photo: @DunnoEngineering

The firm is based in Wandi near Kwinana in Perth's southern suburbs and is a collection of mates (Luke, Scott, Trent, Ranger and Fossil) who get together to tackle projects in between their full-time jobs.

So when they all had some spare time they decided to make a floating picnic table - and knocked it out in two days earlier this week, slapping a picnic table frame over barrels to make the hull.


"We just threw it together from scrap pine collected from a building site that was destined for the tip, just asked the site manager if we could take it and he was more than happy that way he didn't need to pay the disposal fees," Mr Brown said.

"Few screws from Bunnings, an esky from BCF, and an old outboard. Oh and a few beers of course."

With a built in Esky handy for refreshments, the SS Greg will be a summer fun magnet.
With a built in Esky handy for refreshments, the SS Greg will be a summer fun magnet. Photo: @DunnoEngineering

WA inventors have hit the headlines for all kinds of DIY inventions - including the men who drove a pair of motorised picnic tables down Scarborough Beach Road and the man who made the ultimate La-Z-Boy with a motorised couch.

And now the Dunno Engineering boys are getting ready to put their floating picnic table in the water, sanding back the wood and varnishing it ready for a long hot Australian summer.

The old Evinrude 9.9 "donk" attached to the back of the picnic table develops less than six horsepower these days, so the Dunno boys don't need to register it.

But they will be adding stubby holders and an umbrella to create extra comfort for the vessel, which can seat up to eight people with life jackets.

"Maybe we can all quit our jobs and start making them full time! It's perfect for taking on an estuary, a river or even in a dam. We can't wait to get it in the water," Mr Brown said.

And as for a name, well, everyone at Dunno is known as "Greg" to save confusion (even their wives), so the DIY summer cruiser is known as the SS Greg for now.

God speed boys, even with that old engine we're sure you'll be having a few boat races...