
Jacob Saulwick

Jacob Saulwick is City Editor at The Sydney Morning Herald.

The shape of development across Sydney remains uneven.

The Sydney suburbs that have avoided change

The release this week of district plans by the Greater Sydney Commission potentially foreshadows a new era in Sydney planning, which may mean a new look and feel for the city's neighbourhoods and for how we move between them. There is that possibility. But it is also apparent that, for all the power of the documents, the district plans at this stage largely imply the continuation of the status quo.

house flag generic US

The US scheme that trumps Sydney on affordable housing

It should be embarrassing that the US has such a better federal scheme for providing affordable housing than we do in Australia – a scheme embraced not just by community housing providers, but by a bipartisan politic.

Jacob Saulwick

Baird's bad budget choice

There are all sorts of ways to cut the numbers. But whichever way you do, the amount of money Mike Baird's government will spend building prisons in the next few years is remarkable.