- published: 09 May 2015
- views: 1284
Yonhap News Agency is South Korea's largest news agency. It is a publicly funded company, based in Seoul, South Korea. Yonhap provides news articles, pictures and other information to newspapers, TV networks and other media in South Korea.
Yonhap (meaning "united" in Korean) was established on December 19, 1980, through the merger of Hapdong News Agency and Orient Press. It maintains various agreements with 78 non-Korean news agencies, and also has a services-exchange agreement with North Korea's Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) agency, signed in 2002. It is the only Korean wire service that works with foreign news agencies, and provides a limited, but freely available, selection of news on its website in Korean, English, Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, Arabic and French.
Yonhap was the host news agency of the 1988 Seoul Summer Olympics, and was elected twice to the board of the Organization of Asia-Pacific News Agencies (OANA).
Yonhap is South Korea's only news agency large enough to have more than 60 correspondents abroad and 580 reporters across the nation. Its largest shareholder is the Korea News Agency Commission (KONAC).
A news agency is an organization that gathers news reports and sells them to subscribing news organizations, such as newspapers, magazines and radio and television broadcasters. A news agency may also be referred to as a wire service, newswire, or news service.
There are many news agencies around the world, but there are global news agencies with offices in most countries of the world and cover all areas of information: Agence France-Presse, Associated Press and Reuters. All three began with and continue to operate on a basic philosophy of providing a single objective news feed to all subscribers; they do not provide separate feeds for conservative or liberal newspapers. Jonathan Fenby explains the philosophy:
Only a few large newspapers could afford bureaus outside their home city. They relied instead on news agencies, especially Havas in France and the Associated Press in the United States. Former Havas employees founded Reuters in Britain and Wolff in Germany; Havas is now Agence France-Presse (AFP). For international news, the agencies pooled their resources, so that Havas, for example, covered the French Empire, South America and the Balkans and shared the news with the other national agencies. In France the typical contract with Havas provided a provincial newspaper with 1800 lines of telegraphed text daily, for an annual subscription rate of 10,000 francs. Other agencies provided features and fiction for their subscribers.
북한 "잠수함 탄도탄 발사 성공"…한반도 새 위협
연합뉴스TV 생방송 (NEWS & LIVE)
Mocidades na celebração Yonhap 2014
[Video] 2016.07.10 #ParkShinHye Fight and Love scenes #Doctors via Yonhap News TV
Yonhap News Reports North Korea Preparing Intermediate-Range Missiles
[Video] 2016.04.16 #ParkShinhye’s belongings to go to auction via Yonhap News TV
Yonhap: DPRK launches new ICBM unit
U.S. expresses support for 5-way talks to denuclearize N. Korea: Yonhap
Guilherme Isnard - Infalível - com o Ministério de Louvor da Igreja Yonhap
Three N. Korean defectors likely to enter S. Korea this week: Yonhap
북한 "잠수함 탄도탄 발사 성공"…한반도 새 위협 [앵커] 북한이 전략잠수함의 탄도탄 수중시험발사에 성공했다고 밝혔습니다. 북한의 주장이 사실이고, 실전 배치가 가능한 수준이라면 핵무기 못지 않은 위협이 될 것으로 보입니다. 박효정 기자입니다. [기자] 북한 조선중앙통신이 잠수함에서 탄도탄을 수중 발사하는데 성공했다고 보도했습니다. 중앙통신은 "김정은 제1위원장이 시험발사를 명령하자 잠수함이 바닷속으로 가라앉았고, 잠시 후 탄토탄이 바다를 뚫고 창공 높이 날아올랐다"고 밝혔습니다. 발사 장소는 공개하지 않았지만 김정은이 같은 날 신포 지역을 방문했고, 지난 2월 이 지역에서 잠수함용 탄도탄 개발 실험을 한 점으로 볼 때, 신포 인근 해역에서 발사가 이뤄진 것으로 추정됩니다. 북한은 작년부터 신형 잠수함에 탄도미사일 발사관을 장착하기 위해, 지상과 해상에서 실험을 시작한 것으로 알려졌습니다. 중앙통신의 보도가 사실이라면, 북한은 1년도 안 돼 잠수함에 수직 발사관을 설치하고 탄도 미사일을 투하하는데 성공한 것입니다. 우리 군은 2027년부터 수직발사관을 탑재한 잠수함 6척을 전력화할 예정으로, 북한은 우리보다 10년 이상 앞서 있는 셈입니다. [조선중앙TV] "당중앙은 잠수함 연합부대들을 대단히 중시한다고 하시면서 군부대의 싸움준비 완성과 잠수함들의 수중 작전능력을 비상히 강화하고… " 북한이 이를 실전 배치하는 단계에 이르고, 장거리 발사가 가능한 수준에 도달한다면 핵무기 못지않게 한반도의 새로운 위협이 될 수 있습니다...
대한민국 뉴스의 시작, 채널 23 연합뉴스TV LIVE입니다. 뉴스의 현장을 생방송으로 시청하세요. 본 방송은 연합뉴스TV의 Youtube 유튜브 공식 라이브 채널 입니다. Yonhap News TV
[Video] Park Shin Hye Fight and Love scenes of Doctors via Yonhap News TV 2016.07.10 박신혜 朴信惠 パク・シネ พัคชินฮเย ПакШинХе بارك شين هاي Join us at: http://www.PSHAFC.com https://www.facebook.com/PSHAFC https://instagram.com/PSHAFC http://twitter.com/PSHAFC https://www.youtube.com/user/PSHAFC http://www.dailymotion.com/PSHAFC https://vimeo.com/pshafc https://soundcloud.com/pshafc
South Korean news agency Yonhap reported on Thursday that one or two intermediate-range ballistic missiles have been deployed by North Korea on the east coast. Musudan missiles were spotted on a mobile launcher being deployed by the North, according to South Korean government sources cited by Yonhap. Sources expect launch of the missiles on Friday, to coincide with the anniversary of the birth of North Korea's founder. http://feeds.reuters.com/~r/reuters/topNews/~3/pLkKbPoU-oo/story01.htm http://www.wochit.com This video was produced by YT Wochit News using http://wochit.com
[Video] Park Shin-hye’s belongings to go to auction via Yonhap News TV 박신혜 朴信惠 パク・シネ พัคชินฮเย ПакШинХе بارك شين هاي Join us at: http://www.PSHAFC.com https://www.facebook.com/PSHAFC https://instagram.com/PSHAFC http://twitter.com/PSHAFC https://www.youtube.com/user/PSHAFC http://www.dailymotion.com/PSHAFC https://vimeo.com/pshafc https://soundcloud.com/pshafc
KOREAN PENINSULA TENSIONS Subscribe to CCTV on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/CCTVcomInternational CCTV: https://goo.gl/gYT8W8 CCTV中文国际: http://goo.gl/HcZaeZ Follow us on: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cctvcom Twitter: https://twitter.com/cctv Instagram: http://instagram.com/cctvenglish
미, 박대통령 5자회담 제안 지지…"한반도 비핵화 노력에 유용" The United States has expressed its support for five-way talks on denuclearizing North Korea.,... calling it a useful step. Seoul-based Yonhap News Agency reported the statement on Saturday,... citing a spokesman for the U.S. Embassy in Seoul who asked not to be identified. On Friday,... President Park Geun-hye proposed the five-way dialogue,... involving members of the long-stalled six-party talks MINUS North Korea. The countries are South Korea, the U.S., Japan, China and Russia. President Park's proposal follows North Korea's claims that it successfully conducted a hydrogen bomb test on January sixth. Visit ‘Arirang News’ Official Pages Facebook(NEWS): http://www.facebook.com/newsarirang Homepage: http://www.arirang.com Facebook: http://www.facebo...
Apresentação com o Ministério de Louvor da Igreja Yonhap no culto de Natal de 2011. Aceitei o honroso convite do Pastor Jairo e do Presbítero Chin para cantar na celebração do nosso culto de Natal. O fiz com os olhos inchados de chorar, emocionado pela apresentação do coral da igreja e com o Nico pesando sobre o diafragma, mas capacitado pelo Senhor. A Ele toda a glória!
The three North Koreans that recently escaped from a North Korean restaurant in China will reportedly arrive in South Korea sometime this week. Citing sources well acquainted with North Korea, Seoul-based Yonhap News Agency reported this morning... that the defectors -- currently in Thailand -- are waiting for an agreement between Seoul and Bangkok as the North Koreans do not possess passports. South Korean media reported last week that three North Koreans working at a North Korean restaurant in the northwestern city of Xian escaped after being influenced by the mass defection of 13 North Koreans last month. Seoul's Unification Ministry has earlier confirmed the recent defection, but refused to verify on their possible arrival to the South. Visit ‘Arirang News’ Official Pages Facebook(N...
September 11, 2016 – SEOUL – North Korea has completed preparations for another nuclear test, South Korea’s Yonhap News Agency reported on Monday, citing South Korean government sources who said the North may use a previously unused tunnel at its mountainous test site. Read more here http://marygreeley.com/?page_id=36219
VRIDC - VR News : TodayWeather 2016/08/12 Yonhap www.vridc.co.kr
VRIDC - VR News : TodayWeather 2016/08/13 Yonhap www.vridc.co.kr
북한 비무장지대 중화기 반입에 유엔사도 2년전부터 맞대응 It may now be possible for the South Korean military to place heavy weaponry along the border facing North Korea. Reports say the United Nations Command has amended a clause of the inter-Korean armistice to that effect. The armistice had banned heavy weaponry along the border... but the change was reportedly made in response to North Korea's deployment of mortar and landmines along the heavily-guarded Demilitarized Zone. Seoul-based Yonhap News Agency says the situation could lead to more clashes along the border in the near future now that the ban on heavy weapons is void. It adds that the amendment has been in effect since September 2014,... the first change of its kind since the armistice agreement was signed 63 years ago. Visit ‘Arirang News’ O...
South Korea's Yonhap News Agency says that preparations for a fifth DPRK nuclear test are in their final stages. The report said that a surge in activity at the DPRK's atomic testing site suggests a new nuclear test could possibly take place before the Workers’ Party Congress in early May. Subscribe to us on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/CCTVNEWSbeijing Download for IOS: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/cctvnews-app/id922456579?l=zh&ls;=1&mt;=8 Download for Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.imib.cctv Follow us on: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cctvnewschina Twitter: https://twitter.com/CCTVNEWS Google+: https://plus.google.com/+CCTVNEWSbeijing Tumblr: http://cctvnews.tumblr.com/ Weibo: http://weibo.com/cctvnewsbeijing
South Korean news agency Yonhap reported on Thursday that one or two intermediate-range ballistic missiles have been deployed by North Korea on the east coast. Musudan missiles were spotted on a mobile launcher being deployed by the North, according to South Korean government sources cited by Yonhap. Sources expect launch of the missiles on Friday, to coincide with the anniversary of the birth of North Korea's founder. ►Circle us on Google + http://goo.gl/TXeBfX ►Subscribe Channel http://goo.gl/mqt0wI ►Don't forget to Like * Comment * Share this video. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stay tuned, Stay connected
Typhoon Chaba battered southern parts of South Korea with violent wind and heavy rain on Wednesday, killing at least three people and flooding the country's main port and industrial sites and disrupting production at some factories. The storm hit the island of Jeju overnight and one person was reported missing amid widespread power outages and damage to homes and other buildings. Twenty-six flights linking the holiday island to the mainland and to China were canceled. The port in the city of Busan was shut for a second day as Chaba whirled past and headed east towards Japan. An official at the country's biggest port said it was expected to reopen later in the day. Work at Hyundai Motor's two factories in the city of Ulsan, which produce the Accent cars and Sante Fe sport utility vehicle...
+Raj Deut joins us to talk about how Australia wants to START retaining innocent people's data, and what we actually know about the Sony Pictures attacks. Support the show at http://www.dailytechnewsshow.com/support Headlines: http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/12/18/us-sony-cybersecurity-whitehouse-idUSKBN0JW29220141218 http://variety.com/2014/film/news/sony-has-no-further-release-plans-for-the-interview-1201382167/ http://www.thedailybeast.com/cheats/2014/12/18/paramount-bans-showing-team-america.html http://www.theverge.com/2014/12/18/7414841/microsoft-browser-ballot-expired http://thenextweb.com/insider/2014/12/18/line-buying-microsofts-mixradio-music-streaming-service/ http://www.engadget.com/2014/12/18/micromax-cyanogen-yureka/ http://www.cnet.com/news/snapchat-ceo-devastated-by-e...
Thanks to the 10,000 league for putting together this frankly hilarious look at the anti-North Korean propaganda industry. And it really is an industry. People living in western Europe and North America are bombarded with stories about North Korea – often centred around rumour, mysterious ‘intelligence’ sources, or the south Korean and US governments. A typical example is a story published this year by Yonhap news agency (a south Korean news company) claiming that south Korea had ‘captured a spy drone’ from the north. The ‘drone’ was examined by the south Korean military and, upon closer inspection, was revealed to be the door of a portable toilet and not, after all, a piece of sophisticated military hardware. 1: Spy drone Reported by Yonhap (rt): https://goo.gl/u053cr Photo superimpo...
he Pentagon is deploying three B-2 nuclear-capable bombers to the Pacific island of Guam amid heightened tensions on the Korean Peninsula, Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Welsh said on Monday. “We are in the process right now of deploying three B-2s on a scheduled rotation,” Welsh in response to a reporter’s questions about the U.S. response to increased tensions in Korea. Welsh said the deployment was part of the Air Force’s continuing bomber presence in the Pacific and that no additional force deployments were planned in response to the tensions. Privately, defense officials said the bomber deployment is intended as a sign of American support for South Korean military forces. The strategic bombers are part of U.S. extended nuclear deterrence designed to bolster Seoul’s military in squ...
East-West Center International Media Conference - March 10-12, 2014 - http://www.ewcmedia.org/yangon2014/ "The Media and Northeast Asia: The Challenges of Creating an Open and Unbiased Media on the Korean Peninsula" This panel will explore the question of the media in Northeast Asia, with a focus on reporting on and in the Korean peninsula. • BAEK Nari, Foreign Affairs, Yonhap News Agency, Seoul, South Korea • Steven BOROWIEC, Deputy Editor, Hankyoreh, Seoul, South Korea, and member of AAJA • Geoffrey FATTIG, Graduate Student, University of California San Diego's School of International Relations/Pacific Studies, San Diego, California, USA • YOO, Jee Hye, Political News, Joongang Ilbo, Seoul, South Korea • Moderator: Markus BELL, PhD candidate, The Australian National University, Canber...
Painted sky-blue, these small flying machines may look like toy planes but they have South Korea scrambling to secure its airspace. In recent weeks, South Korea's defense ministry has discovered three crashed unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) that it believes belong to Pyongyang. Equipped with Japanese-made digital cameras, the drones captured images of important military installations and South Korea's presidential office in Seoul, according to local media reports. South Korea says the aircraft are a sign of Pyongyang's heightened surveillance that should be taken seriously, and yet officials and experts suggest the drones pose little, if any, real threat. "The small drones, presumed to have come from North Korea, don't really have great military significance," a spokesperson for South Kore...
You can trust the Khyber News to provide high- quality news, current affairs and factual programming that keeps you informed and supports debate about important issues and political developments in Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa. and other pashto speaking areas like Fata and Qabaili areas. Join us on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/khybernewschannel Join us on Twitter http://www.twitter.com/khybernews
Obama signs new North Korea sanctions into law Speedy U.S. sanctions to hit Chinese companies trading with N.Korea Japanese Gov't confirms own sanctions on N. Korea S. Korea raises question about N. Korea's UN membership N. Korea says THAAD deploymnet could cause military clash Seoul approves support measures for Kaesong Park factory owners Shutdown of inter-Korean complex upends local shops selling Kaesong goods Pres. Park meets with local gov't heads on nat'l security and economy Lawmakers question gov't ministers on efforts to save S. Korean economy from low-growth rut Korea won closes at near 6-year low against U.S. dollar Gov't and business entities come together to revitalize ICT exports Trump challenges Pope's assertions he's 'not Christian' Cameron: No deal in sight over Britain's ...
The ROKS Cheonan sinking occurred on 26 March 2010, when Cheonan, a Pohang-class corvette of the Republic of Korea Navy, carrying 104 personnel, sank off the country's west coast near Baengnyeong Island in the Yellow Sea, killing 46 seamen. The cause of the sinking remains in dispute. A South Korean-led official investigation carried out by a team of international experts from South Korea, the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and Sweden presented a summary of its investigation on 20 May 2010, concluding that the warship had been sunk by a North Korean torpedo fired by a midget submarine. The conclusions of the report resulted in significant controversy within South Korea. This video is targeted to blind users. Attribution: Article text available under CC-BY-SA Creat...
Deputy Spokesperson Mark Toner leads the Daily Press Briefing at the U.S. Department of State on August 23, 2016. A transcript is available at http://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/dpb/index.htm