
Daniel Flitton

Daniel Flitton is senior correspondent for The Age covering foreign affairs and politics. He is a former intelligence analyst for the Australian government and was at one-time a university lecturer specialising in international relations.

Portugal's Antonio Guterres, the next United Nations Secretary General accepts his nomination on Thursday.

It's a man's world, united or not

It was meant to be time for an Eastern European woman. The world will instead end up with a man from the West Europe as the next United Nations chief.

Islamic State fighters in Raqqa, Syria.

Syria a brutal time warp to Cold War rivalry

Before we get to Russia, the angry "stunt" in New York, the US (and Australian) warplanes bombing during a supposed truce in Syria, take a moment to pause and remember the terrible massacre at Srebrenica.

A Chinese guided missile destroyer takes part in a week-long China-Russia navy exercise in the East China Sea off ...

Putin in the Pacific: Why we should worry

The alarm should have sounded a couple of months ago when Chinese commentators began quoting Vladimir Putin, that "if a fight is inevitable, go and fight first".

French police forces and forensic officers stand next to a truck that ran into a crowd in Nice.

The everyday tools of terror

The awful carnage in Nice with a metal monster could inspire the next attack to be anywhere - Europe, the United States or in Australia.