Fargo, North Dakota Police Chief Keith Ternes had asked the
Fargo City Commission to have looked at, from outside the force, allegations of possible impropriety in the
Police Department.
The Commission complied and this committee was setup. Here is the first of four video segments of the second meeting of that committee.
...: We have in instances where we believe there has been or presently is an integrity problem in a police force of this or that jurisdiction - (
Moorhead, MN, ND
BCI, and the
Southeast ND
Region Drug
Task Force, ( the taskforce actually taking in parts of other states as well - what is their role in the alleged murder of student
Andrew Sadek?) been vociferous in our written response.
The main organizing factor in the asking for this commission remains - however a much larger problem - question - opportunity looms in the lack of integrity perceived statewide in the "leadership": of
NDSU - it is this - despite NDSU
Police Officer's being sworn - they do not report to a central city
Police Chain of Command - ie.
The Chief of Fargo Police under the elected City of Fargo Commission - elected by the citizens. The ND
Attorney General's Office - with "cooperation" with a myriad of
Federal agencies - the terms of such cooperation and firepower and rights trampling undeclared to the populace - including electronic subservience their penchant for Police
Secrecy, they reporting, it appears to the
University President - without
Police training, having a mean political purpose - a kingdom that's chief job is to raise money - all other issues being less pertinent - to include student graduation rates and indebtedness and working with capitalists to extract student and family debt dollars not only for education but to political allies to extract years of rent from students and the community who can not afford their own home.
This is not a legitimate purpose of the local police - to cement individuals into a lower economic class more and more - permanently.
The purpose of
the police - is in part - ensuring all citizens equal application of law not determined by wealth - not the goals of the titular head of the NDSU questioned over and over again ethics problems.
The most pressing organizational problem facing Fargo and the police working therein is to bring the NDSU Police into the command and control structure serving the citizens of Fargo and not a career political educator's penchant for secrecy
The policing of the city must be unified under the Fargo
Chief of Police Chief.
Editorial comments...OPINIION,,,`BREAKING
NEWS ! 21
OCT 14 5 ND Historians will incinerate their own document - ephemera collections - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-S-p1... as protest of
Rick Berg non prosecuted tax evasion
Judge John Irby money laundering in his court -
Dean Bresciani destruction of 45,
000 public documents -
Class C felonies - again non prosecution of powerful - the
Higher Ed
Board that fails at every turn.
Failure of those who know the Bakken will peak in about 2016 to share this essential infromation form taxpayers - higher ed must be slashed 50% in funding due to - they know about the Bakken funding to crash - but instead of thrift - they grab everything and cry for more... Historians as giddy about theri collections burning as
Berg is to tax evasion - as giddy as Dalrymple
Farms 4.7 million in wheat subsidies - we use to have pride in our collections - now we disassociate completely of the idea that
N Dakota is anything to have pride in - CORRUPTION - is the controllers game -
FUCK THAT ! Oh yeah Police only suspects in student killing - the
South Dakota Police will really try hard to get to the bottom of that ! - That is
CIA is world's largest drug dealer... Andrew Sadek - more valuable to society than all corrupt cops combined - Kylan Klauzer.
Moorhead MN Police,
Ward County Sheriff --- under lies hides
KVLY ! see
Robert Hale "Is there a
Minot Mafia?"
Super Magic Fund Theft have again occurred in Minot - why no arrest - is it the bank that is guaranteed pay back from tax payers - no matter what - that 6 million in "
Goodwill" on the financial statement - may be like really overstated --- by like ahhhhh - we don't know - we would say as parties that would never bank there - that it is like 6 million - what
US Senator sits on the board?????
Whistle blower hotline and report these stories that they will never cover ...
.. November 2, 2014 - the documents all burn at 5;00 p.m. 125th anniversary of the big mistake - independent statehood for ND.
NEW update ..... 16 may 16 -- Hi rise fargo to be demolished after low ball sale to developers... fact- confirmed city meeting 16 may 16.
- published: 18 Oct 2014
- views: 327