
291 [ed. Alfred Steiglitz]
391 [ed. Franci Picabia]
Friedrich Achleitner
Oswald de Andrade
Alphonse Allais
David Antin
Guillaume Apollinaire
Arabic Calligraphers in Paris, 1970s
John Armleder
Art & Language
Michael Asher
Art Worker's Coalition
Ronaldo Azeredo
Jo Baer
John Baldessari
J.G. Ballard
Gregory Battcock
Bernd & Hilla Becher
Carlo Belloli
Max Bense
Wallace Berman
Peter Blake
Mel Bochner
Jean Francois Bory
Edgard Braga
Stan Brakhage
Claus Bremer
Christopher Brennan
André Breton
Marcel Broodthaers
James Broughton
Bob Brown
Chris Burden
Michel Butor
José A. Cáceres
John Cage
John Cale
Julio Campal
Cornelius Cardew
Henri Chopin
Ira Cohen
Philip Corner
Dada Magazine
Hanne Darboven
Augusto de Campos
Haraldo de Campos
De Stijl Magazine
Paul de Vree
Die Reihe
Marcel Duchamp
Early Visual Poetry 1506-1726
Morton Feldman
Hans-Peter Feldmann
Robert Filliou
Ian Hamilton Finlay
Carl Fernbach Flarsheim
John Furnival
Heinz Gappmayr

Jochen Gerz
Peter Gidal
Abraham Lincoln Gillespie
Philip Glass
Mathias Goeritz
Eugen Gomringer
Corrado Govoni
Dan Graham
Great Bear Pamphlets
George Grosz
Joseé Lino Grünewald
Philip Guston's Poem-Pictures
Al Hansen
Václav Havel
Bici Hendricks
Dick Higgins
Dom Sylvester Houedard
Douglas Huebler
Irradiador: revista de vanguardia
Ernst Jandl
Ronald Johnson
Allan Kaprow
Bengt af Klintberg
Yves Klein
Alison Knowles
Jiri Kolar
Joseph Kosuth
Ferdinard Kriwet
John Lennon
French Letterists 1940s-1970s
Sherrie Levine
Sol LeWitt
Lilian Lijn
Jackson Mac Low
Duda Machado
Machine-Age Exposition
Stéphane Mallarmé
1960s Manifestos
Walter Marchetti
F.T. Marinetti
Vladimir Mayakovskyr
Hansjörg Mayer
Armando Mazza
Kate Millett
Franz Mon
Charlotte Moorman
Moscow Conceptualism
Bruce Nauman
b.p. Nichol
Claes Oldenburg
Daphne Oram
Dennis Oppenheim
Clemente Padín
Nam June Paik
Eduardo Paolozzi
Steven Parrino
Pablo Picasso

Lil Pickard
Decio Pignatari
Bern Porter
Yvonne Rainer
Robert Rauschenberg
Man Ray
Lou Reed
Steve Reich
The Responsive Eye
Terry Riley
Antônio Risério
Alain Robbe-Grillet
Dieter Roth
Jerome Rothenberg
Gerhard Rühm
Ed Ruscha
Luigi Russolo
Aram Saroyan
Carolee Schneemann
Kurt Schwitters
Richard Serra
Gino Severini
Takahashi Shohachiro
Terayama Shuji
Situationist Internationale
Valerie Solanas
Jack Smith
Tony Smith
Robert Smithson
Mary Ellen Solt
Susan Sontag
Sound Sculpture
Vagn Steen
Gertrude Stein
Alfred Stieglitz
La Révolution surréaliste
Harald Szeemann
Salette Tavares
James Tenney
The Blindman
Niele Toroni
Arrigo Lora Totino
Stan VanDerBeek
Ivo Vroom
Andy Warhol
Lawrence Weiner
The Western Round Table on Modern Art (1949)
Emmett Williams
Robert Whitman
John Barton Wolgamot
Pedro Xisto
La Monte Young
Gene Youngblood
Mariann Zazeela
Louis Zukofsky

About UbuWeb Historical

UbuWeb's Historical section primarily documents the trajectory of visual and concrete poetry, beginning with Simias Rhodius's "Wings of Eros in Theocritus", dating from 1516, and continuing all the way into the late 1970s. Several stream running concurrent with these trends are interspersed throughout the section that might otherwise be excluded from a more narrowly focused study: visual deconstructions of language on the page (Stéphane Mallarmé), sound poetry scores (Historical Sound Poetry Scores) and Objectivist tendencies (Louis Zukofsky). In this genre, drawing lines has proven to be a difficult task. With that in mind, the editors have tried to link to related material in other sections of UbuWeb.

Traditionally, representations of concrete and visual poetry have been accompanied by commentaries upon and translations of the language employed in the various poem. The editors have chosen to dispense with this convention and, instead, let the work visually represent itself. However, links to extensive commentary on most of the pieces can be found on the individual author's pages.

This collection builds from the three primary source collections of contemporary visual and concrete poetry: Mary Ellen Solt's Concrete Poetry: A World View (Indian University Press, 1968), Emmett Williams' Anthology of Concrete Poetry (Something Else Press, 1967), and Jean-François Bory's Once Again (New Directions, 1968). Several other sources have been consulted including Luigi Ballerini's Italian Visual Poetry (Finch College Museum / Istituto Italiano di Cultura, 1973) and numerous papers included in UbuWeb's Papers section (linked from each author's page).

It has been our initial objective to present an overview of historical visual and concrete poetry based on these sources. In our first version, we are presenting a highly subjective and edited view of the history based on the criteria of timelines, visuality and relevance to the times in which we live today. However, this policy is subject to change as our collection expands and as the times in which we live require shifting points of view.

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