
UbuWeb: Film & Video

Mustafa Abu Ali
Marina Abramoviç
Vito Acconci
Reza Abdoh
Bas Jan Ader
Masao Adachi
Peggy Ahwesh
Eija-Liisa Ahtila
Doug Aitken
Igor and Gleb Aleinikov
Alive from Off Center
Allora & Calzadilla
Paweł Althamer
Francis Alÿs
Omar Amiralay
Erik Anderson
Laurie Anderson
Kenneth Anger
Dominic Angerame
Ant Farm
Eleanor Antin
Karel Appel
Ida Applebroog
Ei Arakawa
Cory Arcangel
Skip Arnold
Art & Language
Art Ensemble of Chicago
Antonin Artaud
Assume Vivid Astro Focus
Robert Ashley
Olivier Assayas
Fred Astaire
Ed Atkins
Behnam Attar
Kianoush Ayari
Scott and Beth B
Francis Bacon
Alex Bag
Derek Bailey
Bruce Baillie
Pierre Bal-Blanc
John Baldessari
Rafael Ruiz Balerdi
J.G. Ballard
Piero Bargellini
Roger Barlow
Matthew Barney
Judith Barry
Robert Barry
Scott Bartlett
Colin Barton
Eric Baudelaire
Jean Baudrillard
Lothar Baumgarten
Otmar Bauer
BBC Radiophonic Workshop
Jean Beaudin
yann beauvais
Robert Beck
Stephen Beck
Erica Beckman
Adam Beckett
Samuel Beckett
Captain Beefheart
Vanessa Beecroft
David Behrman
Giselle Beiguelman
Zoe Beloff
Luciano Berio
Guy Ben-Ner
Lynda Benglis
Walter Benjamin
John Berger
Wallace Berman
Bernadette Corporation
Harry Bertoia
Joseph Beuys
Dara Birnbaum
Black Audio Film Collective
Black Panthers
Jeremy Blake
Juliette Blightman
Roddy Bogawa
Christian Boltanski
Gregg Bordowitz
Jorge Luis Borges
Jennifer Bornstein
Walerian Borowczyk
Guy Bourdin
Paul Bowles
Stan Brakhage
Marco Brambilla
Antonello Branca
Bill Brand
Ian Breakwell
George Brecht
Robert Breer
Olaf Breuning
Adrian Bridget
Marcel Broodthaers
James Broughton
Bruce High Quality Foundation
Lenny Bruce
Klaus vom Bruch
Matthew Buckingham
Charles Bukowski
Chris Burden
E.F. Burian
William S. Burroughs
Mary Ellen Bute
James Lee Byars
David Byrne
Gerard Byrne
John Cage
Alexander Calder
John Cale
Bonnie Camplin
Ozualdo Ribeiro Candeias
Mircea Cantor
Raymonde Carasco
Janet Cardiff
Maurizio Cattelan
Cioni Carpi
Louis-Ferdinand Céline
Jack Chambers
Paul Chan
Jake and Dinos Chapman
René Char
Shu Lea Cheang
Yin-Ju Chen & James T. Hong
Olga Chernysheva
Don Cherry
Spartacus Chetwynd
Abigail Child
Segundo de Chomón
Henri Chomette
Heman Chong
Henri Chopin
Larry Clark
Guy de Cointet
Chris & Cosey
Cinema of Transgression
Jacob Ciocci
Robert Clampett
Rene Clair
Michael Clark
Shirley Clarke
Carlfriedrich Claus
Chuck Close
Bob Cobbing
Jean Cocteau
Émile Cohl
Dan Colen
Joe Coleman
Phil Collins
George Condo
Julian Cooper
Anton Corbijn
Le Corbusier
Bettina Corke
Jospeh Cornell
Gérard Courant
Merce Cunningham
Ivor Cutler
Keren Cytter
Natalie Czech
Jonas Dahlberg
Salvador Dalí
Dance with Camera
Moyra Davey
Douglas Davis
Emile de Antonio
Sue de Beer
Storm de Hirsch
Jen de Nike
Brian De Palma
Guy Debord
Burt Deling
Wim Delvoye
Thomas Demand
Jacques Demy
Simon Denny
Maya Deren
Eugene Deslaw
Destroy All Monsters
Philip K. Dick
PRineke Dijkstra
Nathalie Djurberg
Karel Dodal
Harry Dodge and Stanya Kahn
Peter Donebauer
Cheryl Donegan
Trisha Donnelly
Stan Douglas
Christoph Draeger
Jean-Marie Drot
Marcel Duchamp
Germaine Dulac
Henri d'Ursel
Eric Duvivier

Stephen Dwoskin
Marcel Dzama
Dziga Vertov Group
Jack Early
Gwilly Edmondez
Ed van der Elsken
Tracey Emin
Ed Emshwiller
Brian Eno
Annika Eriksson
Max Ernst
Bradley Eros
Gerhard Ertl & Sabine Hiebler
Cerith Wyn Evans
Koto Ezawa
Angus Fairhurst
Robert Fairthorne & Brian Salt
Forough Farrokhzad
Omer Fast
Cao Fei
Morton Feldman
Molissa Fenley
Luc Ferrari
Robert Filliou
Jem Finer
Karen Finley
Morgan Fisher
Robert Fitterman
Kit Fitzgerald & David Sanborn
Thorsten Fleisch
Flux Films
Harrell Fletcher
Claire Fontaine
Richard Foreman
Simone Forti
Luke Fowler
Forum Lenteng
William Forsyth
Michel Foucault
Hollis Frampton
Andrea Fraser
LaToya Ruby Frazier
Tessa Hughes-Freeland
Martin Frič
Dara Friedman
Su Friedrich
Yang Fudong
Buckminster Fuller
Cyprien Gaillard
Rainer Ganahl
Ryan Gander
Dora García
Anna Gaskell
Antonio Gaudí
Ernie Gehr
General Idea
Jean Genet
German Dada
Alberto Giacometti
Gianikian and Lucchi
Beatrice Gibson
Peter Gidal
Frank E. Gilbreth
Liam Gillick
John Giorno
Allen Ginsberg
Gilbert & George
François Girard
Paul Glabicki
Leslie Asako Gladsjø
Philip Glass
Jean-Luc Godard
Nan Goldin
Ebrahim Golestan
Kenneth Goldsmith
Jack Goldstein
Piero Golia
Douglas Gordon
Kim Gordon
Glenn Gould
Rodney Graham
Amy Granat
Spalding Gray
Peter Greenaway
Johan Grimonprez
Elke Groen
Red Grooms
Groupe Medvedkine
Gruppo di Improvvisazione di Nuova Consonanza
Philip Guston
Brion Gysin
Chris Habib / Visitor
Barbara Hammer
Alexander Hammid
David Hammons
Dušan Hanák
Terri Hanlon
Hilary Harris
Mona Hatoum
Carl Michael von Hausswolff
Todd Haynes
Laszlo Hege
Her Noise
Pierre Hébert
Oliver Herring
Helmut Herbst
Piero Heliczer
Camille Henrot
Pierre Henry
Jennifer Higgie
Gary Hill
Will Hindle
Hy Hirsh
Thomas Hirschhorn
Damien Hirst
David Hockney
Åke Hodell
Abbie Hoffman
Carsten Höller
Karl Holmqvist
Nancy Holt
Stewart Home
James T. Hong
Phil Hopkins
Rebecca Horn
Jonathan Horowitz
Tom Hovinbøle
Hamlet Hovsepian
Tehching Hsieh
Alex Hubbard
Robert Hughes
Tessa Hughes-Freeland
Ian Hugo
Danièle Huillet
Robert Irwin
Joris Ivens
Emily Jacir
Ken Jacobs
Cameron Jamie
Christian Jankowski
Alfred Jarry
Jasper Johns
B.S. Johnson
Ray Johnson
Joan Jonas
M Henry Jones
Larry Jordan
James Joyce
Sankai Juku
Issac Julien
Jesper Just
Eduardo Kac
Mauricio Kagel
Stanya Kahn
Piotr Kamler
Anish Kapoor
Alexa Karolinski
Andy Kaufman
Mike Kelley
William Kentridge
Ian Kerkhof
Richard Kern
Johan van der Keuken
Parviz Khatibi
Karen Kilimnik
Parviz Kimiavi
Peter Kirby
Raashan Roland Kirk
Dimitri Kirsanov
The Kitchen - Two Moon July
Ragnar Kjartansson
Yves Klein
Clemens Klopfenstein
Alexander Kluge
Terence Koh
Joachim Koester
Dariusz Kowalski
Robert Kramer
Chris Kraus
Kurt Kren
Ferdinand Kriwet
Jon Krocker
Barbara Kruger
Elke Krystufek
Jan Kučera
Jerzy Kucia
Yayoi Kusama
Erkki Kurenniemi
Steve Kurtz
L'Atelier National du Manitoba

Bruce LaBruce
Helmut Lang
Jim Lambie
David Lamelas
Albert Lamorisse
Andrew Lampert
Owen Land
Abigail Lane
John Latham
Matthieu Laurette
Maria Lassnig
Standish Lawder
George Landow
Liz Magic Laser
Malcolm Le Grice
Ange Leccia
Mark Leckey
Helen Lee
Fernand Leger
Jirí Lehovec
Claude LeLouch
Maurice Lemaître
Suzanne Lemaître
Alfred Leslie
Les Levine
Jay Leyda
György Ligeti
Glen Ligon
Ruth Lingford
The Living Theater
Sharon Lockhart
Julia Loktev
Nate Lowman
Alvin Lucier
Mary Lucier
The Lumière Brothers
Clark Lunberry
Jon Lurie
Len Lye
David Lynch
Willard Maas
George Maciunas
Bahman Maghsoudlou
Johannes Maier
David Maljkovic
Djibril Diop Mambéty
Donato Mancini
Babette Mangolte
Lev Manovich
Chris Mann
Robert Mapplethorpe
Christian Marclay
Chris Marker
Gregory Markopoulos
Helen Marten
Fabio Mauri
Toshio Matsumoto
Gordon Matta-Clark
Anthony McCall
Paul McCarthy
Jennifer McCoy & Kevin McCoy
Pat McElnea
Adam McEwen
Josiah McElheny
Glen McKay
Norman McLaren
Marshall McLuhan
Rya McNamara
Josephine Meckseper
Jonathan Meese
Ulrike Meinhof
Bjørn Melhus
Marie Menken
Erno Metzner
Henri Michaux
Henry Miller
John Miller
Larry Miller
Trinh T. Minh-ha
Marilyn Minter
Aernout Mik
Aleksandra Mir
Yukio Mishima
Jean Mitry
Ernst Moerman
László Moholy-Nagy
Anna Molksa
Linda Montano
Mario Montez
Irene Moon
Ikue Mori
Jon Moritsugu
Robert Morris
Sarah Morris
Simon Morris
Luc Moulet
Frank & Caroline Mouris
Otto Muehl
Tracey Moffatt
Charlotte Moorman
Luc Moullet
Shana Moulton
Matt Mullican
Laura Mulvey
Gordon Mumma
Takeshi Murakami
Takeshi Murata
Music with Roots in the Aether
My Barbarian
Richard Myers
Ronald Nameth
Hans Namuth
Deimantas Narkevicius
Shahryar Nashat
Pandit Pran Nath
Bruce Nauman
Werner Nekes
Robert Nelson
Max Neuhaus
New Humans
Phil Niblock
Ingo Niermann
Hermann Nitsch
Gaspar Noé
Ken Nordine
Nobuhiko Obayashi
Hans Ulrich Obrist
Marcel Odenbach
OHO Group (Nasko Kriznar)
Ken Okiishi
Claes Oldenburg
André Luiz Oliveira
Pauline Oliveros
Arthur Omar
Michael Ondaatje
Yoko Ono
Dennis Oppenheim
Raphael Montañez Ortíz
Bob Ostertag
Ulrike Ottinger
Tony Oursler
Genesis P-Orridge
Antoni Padrós
Nam June Paik
Jean Painleve
Charlemagne Palestine
Paper Tiger TV
Paper Rad
Sergei Parajanov
Philippe Parreno
Harry Partch
Pier Paolo Pasolini
Oliver Payne & Nick Relph
Alix Pearlstein
Artavazd Peleshian
Adam Pendelton
People Like Us
Georges Perec
Sydney Peterson
Kembra Pfahler
Paul Pfeiffer
Vanessa Place
Nicolas Philibert
Richard Phillips
Tom Phillips
Pablo Picasso
Cesare Pietroiusti
John Pilson
Howardena Pindel
Harold Pinter
Sigmar Polke
Jackson Pollock
William Pope.L
Pranks TV
Rosa Von Praunheim
Seth Price
Richard Prince
Yakov Protazanov
Sun Ra
Dick Raaijmakers
Eliane Radigue
Fereydoun Rahnema
Robert Rauschenberg
Sabrina Ratté
Man Ray
Red Crayola
Dan Reeves

Steve Reich
Ernst Reijseger
Jennifer Reeves
The Residents
Lis Rhoades
La Ribot
Gerhard Richter
Hans Richter
Ron Rice
Terry Riley
Arthur Rimbaud
David Rimmer
Pipilotti Rist
Donald Richie
Alain Robbe-Grillet
Jørgen Roos
John Rose
Peter Rose
Kay Rosen
Julian Rosefeldt
Marina Rosenfeld
Martha Rosler
Jeri Cain Rossi
Ugo Rondinone
Mika Rottenberg
Jacques Roubaud
Jean Rouch
Barbara Rubin
Jerry Rubin
Aïda Ruilova
Stefan Ruitenbeek
Raúl Ruiz
Allen Ruppersberg
Arthur Russell
Ken Russell
Walter Ruttmann
Tom Sachs
Sackner Archive
Sara Sackner
Shirin Sabahi
Ali Akbar Sadeghi
Anri Sala
Alejandra Salinas and Aeron Bergman
Jayce Salloum and Elia Suleiman
Keith Sanborn
Gus Van Sant
Sanne Sannes
Julião Sarmento
Aram Saroyan
Aki Sasamoto
Wilhelm Sasnal
Erik Satie
Hiraki Sawa
Janek Schaefer
Wim Schippers
Christoph Schlingensief
Carolee Schneemann
Collier Schorr
Werner Schroeter
Lillian Schwartz
Richard Serra
Ivko Šešić
Nagy Shaker and Paolo Isaja
Paul Sharits
Sonny Sharrock
Jim Shaw
Jim Shedden
Cindy Sherman
Stuart Sherman
Kamran Shirdel
Yinka Shonibare
David Shrigley
Shahzia Sikander
Shelly Silver
Laurie Simmons
Charles Simonds
Lorna Simpson
Situationist International
Ture Sjölander & Lars Weck
Fatboy Slim
Alexis Smith
Harry Smith
Jack Smith
Kiki Smith
Michael Smith
Robert Smithson
Michael Snow
Sean Snyder
Jeremy Solterbeck
Sonic Youth
Keith Sonnier
Susan Sontag
Alexander Sokurov
Corneilia Sollfrank
Alec Soth
Lionel Soukaz
Cameron Stallones (SUN ARAW)
Ladislaw Starewicz
Frances Stark
Gertrude Stein
Ralph Steiner
Jennifer Steinkamp
Hito Steyerl
Michael Stickrod
Imogen Stidworthy
Karlheinz Stockhausen
Paul Strand
Jean-Marie Straub
Annika Ström
Beat Streuli
Simon Strong
Survival Research Laboratories
Keiichi Tanaami
Mika Tajima
Ito Takashi
Aldo Tambellini
Fiona Tan
Jerry Tartaglia
Cecil Taylor
Sam Taylor-Wood
Ten Women Who Use Film
Shuji Terayama
Hiroshi Teshigahara
Diana Thater
Francis Thompson
Albie Thoms
Leslie Thornton
Throbbing Gristle
David Van Tieghem
Jean Tinguely
Rirkrit Tiravanija
Ryan Trecartin
Scott Treleaven
Kerry Tribe
Lars von Trier
James Turrell
Stan VanDerBeek
Agnes Varda
Ben Vautier
Edgard Varêse & Le Corbusier
Woody & Steina Vasulka
Caetano Veloso
Dziga Vertov
Dziga Vertov Group
Anton Vidokle
Rene Vienet
Artie Vierkant
Vienna Actionists
Barbara Visser
Slavko Vorkapich
Ryszard Wasko
Robert Watts
Bruce Weber
William Wegman
Flora Weigmann
Herman G. Weinberg
James Welling
Andy Warhol
James Sibley Watson
Gillian Wearing
Clemens von Wedemeyer
Carrie Mae Weems
Wim Wenders
Lawrence Weiner
Peter Weiss
Orson Welles
Peter Whitehead
Joyce Wieland
Bernard Wilets
Christopher Williams
Davey Williams
Margaux Williamson
Andrew Norman Wilson
Jane & Louise Wilson
Robert Wilson
Ludwig Wittgenstein
David Wojnarowicz
Gil J Wolman
Jordan Wolfson
Beatrice Wood
Francesca Woodman
The Wooster Group
Erwin Wurm
Iannis Xenakis
Dustin Yellin
Tadanori Yokoo
Bruce and Norman Yonemoto
Yugoslav Black Wave Cinema
La Monte Young
Čeněk Zahradníček
Nick Zedd
John Zorn
Artur Żmijewski
Leo Zulueta

The following films are presented for educational and non-commercial use only. All copyrights belong to the artists.

About UbuWeb Film & Video

UbuWeb is pleased to present hundreds of avant-garde films & videos for your viewing pleasure. However, it is important to us that you realize that what you will see is in no way comparable to the experience of seeing these gems as they were intended to be seen: in a dark room, on a large screen, with a good sound system and, most importantly, with a roomful of warm, like-minded bodies.

However, we realize that the real thing isn't very easy to get to. Most of us don't live anywhere near theatres that show this kind of fare and very few of us can afford the hefty rental fees, not to mention the cumbersome equipment, to show these films. Thankfully, there is the internet which allows you to get a whiff of these films regardless of your geographical location.

We realize that the films we are presenting are of poor quality. It's not a bad thing; in fact, the best thing that can happen is that seeing a crummy shockwave file will make you want to make a trip to New York to the Anthology Film Archives or the Lux Cinema in London (or other places around the world showing similar fare). Next best case scenario will be that you will be enticed to purchase a high quality DVD from the noble folks trying to get these works out into the world. Believe me, they're not doing it for the money.

Please support these filmmakers and their distributors by purchasing their films. Please support the presenters of these works by going to see them in theatres whenever you can. We've complied a list of places where you can see them and buy them:


Founded in 1962 and located in New York City, The Film-Maker's Cooperative distributes more than 5,000 films in all gauges as well as videos:

Begun in 1961 as a screening series and established as a distributor in 1967, Canyon Cinema has more than 3500 films available for rent:

The Canadian Filmmakers Distribution Centre (CFMDC) has been Canada's foremost non-commercial distributor of independent film since 1967:

The Lux Centre in London is the largest distributor of artist film in England and their site offers information about renting and buying films, as well as preservation tips for artists:

Founded in 1982 and located in Paris, Light Cone offers more than 2,300 films:

Chicago's Video Data Bank has represented one of the major collections of video art in North America since 1976:

Established in 1971, Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI) represents 175 artists and offers for rent or for sale more than 3,000 works:

Re:Voir began selling high quality video copies of renowned avant-garde films in 1994 and is today the premiere international label for experimental film artists:


The following is a very short list of venues. For a more complete list , please consult:
Anthology Film Archives (New York City)

Millennium Film Workshop (New York City)

San Francisco Cinematheque

Pacific Film Archive at the Berkeley Art Museum

Artists' Television Access

Los Angeles Film Forum

Chicago Filmmakers

Northwest Film Forum (Seattle)

Aurora Picture Show (Houston)

Eyedrum (Atlanta)

The Pleasure Dome (Toronto)

Image Forum (Tokyo)

Nova Cinema (Brussels, Belgium)

Other Film Festival (Australia)
