- published: 11 Oct 2016
- views: 16374
Year 143 (CXLIII) was a common year starting on Monday (link will display the full calendar) of the Julian calendar. At the time, it was known as the Year of the Consulship of Torquatus and Hipparchus (or, less frequently, year 896 Ab urbe condita). The denomination 143 for this year has been used since the early medieval period, when the Anno Domini calendar era became the prevalent method in Europe for naming years.
アニメポケモン 第143話
Highlight #143 - Don't shank me, Bruh
#اضحك_من_قلبك #انستقرام_الك_وبس #143 #يمه_اريده
'하이큐-!!(ハイキュー!!)' 코스프레 무대공연 (서코143회)
Karadayi capitulo 143
역사저널 그날 143회 161009 충렬왕, 몽골 공주와 혼인하다
Abismo de Paixão | Capítulo 143 Parte 2/2 Completo (12/10/2016)
Sascha auf LKW-Tour #143 (Von Stinkern und LKW Überholern)
Henry 헨리_'1-4-3 (I Love You)'_Acoustic Version with Chan Yeol of EXO
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اهلا وسهلا بقناتك انستقرام فور يو الي راح تتفرج فيها على كل اشي مضحك من مقاطع الانستقرام وكيك المركبة https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69e3tpt-v8M&list;=PLUJv4hng2VX-7rA_RyKUVDOSwS3FjxuP5&index;=30 ::: ادعمنا بمشاركتك في القناة ::: ::: ادعمنا باشتراكك في القناة ::: ::: ادعمنا باعجابك في القناة :::
코스프레 무대공연팀 '프리윙즈 쥬니어' - 작품 : 하이큐-!!(ハイキュー!!) - 행사 : 제 143회 서울 코믹월드 - 일시 : 2016년 10월 9일 일요일 - 장소 : 양재 AT센터 ※ 본 무대공연은 해당 원작을 바탕으로 제작된 2차 창작물입니다. 또한 위 무대의 연출중 일부분은 "일본 하이큐 연극(Haikyuu Hyper Projection )"에서 가져와 차용하였음을 알려드립니다. [NAVER Cafe] http://cafe.naver.com/freewingsjunior [Twitter] @freewings_jr 무대팀소개 및 수상소감 영상은 카페에서 감상하실 수 있습니다. http://cafe.naver.com/freewingsjunior/32307 =========================================
Parte 1: https://youtu.be/h_uoDBjWpng Parte 2: https://youtu.be/8blsnh1gncI inscreva-se no canal para acompanhar os próximos capítulos!
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Ich heiße Sascha und bin Fernfahrer in einem Gliederzug. Bei 130.000km im Jahr passiert ständig irgendwas. Meine persönllichen Highlights könnt ihr hier sehen. Am meisten zeige ich aber, wie man sich NICHT im Straßenverkehr verhalten sollte, sage aber auch, wie man es richtig machen sollte. Denn wir alle müssen uns eine Straße teilen... Darum werbe ich für ein MITEINANDER auf den Straßen. Denn es ist egal wohin wir alle fahren: Letzten Endes wollen wir doch alle wieder nach Hause. Und zwar Heile. Bitte Fahrnünftig! ------------------------------------------ DocStop-Hotline: 01805-112024 www.docstop.eu ------------------------------------------ Eine Übersichtskarte zu fast allen Videoszenen und wo sie sich abspielen. Zusammengebaut von Igge. DANKE IGGE! http://www.fahrnuenftig.igge.org/ -...
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Parte 1: https://youtu.be/h_uoDBjWpng Parte 2: https://youtu.be/8blsnh1gncI inscreva-se no canal para acompanhar os próximos capítulos!
Telewizja Republika - Kulisy Manipulacji odc. 143 goście: Jacek Liziniewicz - Gazeta Polska Paweł Piekarczyk - matematyk, bard emisja: 2016-09-30 ZAMÓW 90-dniowy dostęp do naszego serwisu wideo on-line! Opłata wynosi TYLKO 19,90 zł. ZŁÓŻ ZAMÓWIENIE: http://telewizjarepublika.pl/zamow-dostep.html Zachęcamy też do nabywania rocznych kart klubowych, w cenie 79,00 zł, dzięki którym uzyskacie dostęp do serwisu na cały rok, a także szereg zniżek na wydawnictwa niezależne oraz rabaty u naszych partnerów: http://telewizjarepublika.pl/karta.html http://telewizjarepublika.pl https://www.facebook.com/RepublikaTV Subskrybuj nasz kanał: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc282c_TN8xIba_Z6GaDnQw?sub_confirmation=1
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How many times have I called you
While you were working just to say
Left messages on your answering machine
About three or four times a day
There aren't many more ways in words that I can say
So I'll just say numerically from my heart to you - 143
So many times I've brought roses
Just to see that smile on your face
I can't remember how many e-mails I sent you
Just to tell you about my day
There aren't many more ways in words that I can say
So I'll just say numerically from my soul to you - 143
Girl you know you are so special to me
And you deserve to be treated exclusively
I treat you like Valentines Day 365 a year
Make sure that everything you need will always be right here
I just refuse to be your typical ordinary run of the mill
Garden variety lover
I'll make sure everyday you live will be like Christmas Eve
I wanna make you feel fine
Just like a summer breeze
Cause I refuse to be predictable average run of the mill
Garden variety love
See sometimes words may get in the way
Of things that you really really meant to say
So I wanna out this time to make sure that how I really feel
Gets through to you
Cause listen
There aren't many more ways and words that I can say
So I choose to tell you how I feel in a numerical way'
Got so tired of trying to find the most complicated way
To say it to you so I simplified and broke it down
To 143 - and that means I love you