Category: Austerity

White Supremacy and the Looting of Detroit

By Mike Kolhoff

The court has ruled, so the legalized looting of Detroit will go ahead as Governor Snyder has planned. The Emergency Manager has ordered the DIA to provide him with a list of the values of the many …

The state of the union is …unequal

By Mike Harris

OK, so  the “little person” has been fighting against wage theft, low wages, and harsh working and living conditions for years. Sometimes alone and lonely, sometimes collectively and in a self-managed way. For the past year or

President Maduro and the “Anarcho-syndicalists” in Venezuela

Editorial note: The subject of the short article below by the Venezuelan anarchist group El Libertario is of particular salience, as Maduro’s attack happens to parallel recent developments here in the U.S. where top Democratic politicians and the Chelsea Manning

An interview with the Iberia section of the CNT union

Editor’s note: Developments since this interview was conducted earlier this year have borne out the predictions expressed by the CNT-Iberia representative interviewed below. Last week, Reuters reported:
“Cutbacks at Iberia could force Madrid’s Barajas airport to allow other airlines