
Alleged cyanide coffee murder: Jessica Wongso prosecutors call for 20 years' jail

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Jakarta: Indonesian prosecutors have demanded Australian permanent resident Jessica Kumala Wongso be sentenced to 20 years' jail for allegedly murdering her friend with cyanide-laced coffee.

"It has been proven that the defendant carried out premeditated murder," prosecutor Melani Wuwung told the Central Jakarta District Court on Wednesday night.

Murder charge: Jessica Kumala Wongso at the Central Jakarta District Court in Indonesia in June.
Murder charge: Jessica Kumala Wongso at the Central Jakarta District Court in Indonesia in June. Photo: AP

"The defendant's action is very cruel because the victim was her own friend." 

Wayan Mirna Salihin died on January 6 after drinking a Vietnamese iced coffee Ms Wongso had bought her at an upmarket Jakarta restaurant.

Ms Wongso has denied poisoning her friend, with whom she studied at the Billy Blue College of Design in Sydney.

The maximum punishment for premeditated murder in Indonesia is the death penalty.


However Indonesia provided written assurance to Australia it would not be imposed after requesting Australian Federal Police assistance with the investigation.

The deal caused controversy given sentencing decisions are made by judges in Indonesia

Friend: Wayan Mirna Salihin was allegedly poisoned with cyanide in Jakarta.
Friend: Wayan Mirna Salihin was allegedly poisoned with cyanide in Jakarta.  Photo: Facebook

The alleged coffee murder has captivated the nation, with at least two television stations broadcasting live from the courtroom and febrile speculation around a possible motive.

Cafes in Jakarta have experienced a ghoulish spike in the popularity of Vietnamese iced coffees and the blanket coverage of the trial has reportedly inspired a copycat murder.

However three Australian experts questioned the central premise of the prosecution case that Ms Salihin died of cyanide poisoning.

Toxicology reports tested negative to cyanide in gastric fluid, bile, liver and urine 70 minutes after her death and only a small amount of cyanide was found in her stomach several days later.

"These (toxicology) results show there is no evidence of cyanide ingestion," Australian forensic toxicologist Michael Robertson told the Central Jakarta District Court last month.

Expert defence witnesses were critical that a full autopsy was not conducted, saying death by natural disease could not be ruled out.

But prosecutors on Wednesday called on judges to disregard the evidence from defence witnesses.

The testimony of Queensland forensic pathologist Professor Beng Beng Ong should be ignored, the prosecution argued, because he was subsequently deported from Indonesia for testifying in court while only holding a tourist visa.

The prosecutors claimed on Wednesday that Ms Wongso had put a lethal dose of cyanide in Ms Salihin's coffee. They said the cyanide was not detected in Ms Salihin's body because it had been rapidly absorbed.

Prosecutors allege Ms Salihin angered Ms Wongso by criticising her boyfriend in Australia, Patrick O'Connor, with whom she later separated.

They said in the indictment Ms Wongso planned to take Ms Salihin's life to "avenge her pain".

But on Wednesday the prosecutors said motive did not have to be proven.

Last week NSW police officer John Torres read multiple police reports involving Ms Wongso to the court, mostly relating to self harm attempts .

Two of the reports related to drink driving offences, including one that involved Ms Wongso crashing into a nursing home last year.

The court also heard that Mr O'Connor had obtained an interim restraining order against Ms Wongso after he became concerned she would become violent following their break-up.

Ms Wongso's ex-boss at NSW Ambulance, Kristie Carter, said Ms Wongso had "two different personalities".

"Jessica is cunning and likes to lie or makes up things to get something that she wants," Ms Carter said in a translated statement read by prosecutors in the Central Jakarta District Court last week.

In October last year, Ms Wongso told Ms Carter she wanted to go home after she was hospitalised in Sydney following a self-harm attempt.

"The bastards in the hospital do not allow me to go home and they treat me like a murderer. If I wanted to kill someone I surely know how, I can get a pistol and I know the right dose," Ms Carter claimed Ms Wongso had told her.

The prosecutors reminded the judges of Ms Carter's testimony during Wednesday's sentencing request.

Ms Wongso last week disputed much of Ms Carter's evidence.

"I only want to say that 90 per cent of what she said in the interrogation report is lies," she told the court.

"I don't know what she heard about me, about this case, but what I know is that she should regret what she has said because it has severely incriminated me. And those are all lies, not the truth, Your Worship."

The defence will respond to the sentencing request next week.

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