Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

September 24, 2016


Filed under: mechanical anti-imperialism,Syria,war — louisproyect @ 1:17 pm



However just as the war crime of the allied firebombing of Dresden in 1945 did not invalidate the war against European fascism then, neither does the atrocity of Syrian barrel bombs invalidate the war against its Middle East equivalent today. When the survival of a country and its culture and history is at stake, war can never be anything else but ugly, which is why the sooner it is brought to a conclusion in Syria the better.

John Wight

Syria’s war escalated abruptly on Friday as government forces and their Russian allies launched ferocious aerial assaults on opposition-held areas of Aleppo amid threats of a big ground offensive, while efforts at the United Nations to revive a cease-fire appeared to collapse.

Repeated airstrikes that obliterated buildings and engulfed neighborhoods in flames killed about 100 people in Aleppo, the divided northern Syrian city that has epitomized the horrors of the war, turning the brief cease-fire of last week and hopes for humanitarian relief into faint memories. The bombings knocked out running water to an estimated two million people, the United Nations said.

“It is the worst day that we’ve had for a very long time,” said James Le Mesurier, the head of Mayday Rescue, which trains Syrian rescue workers. “They are calling it Dresden-esque.”

NY Times, ‘Doomsday Today in Aleppo’: Assad and Russian Forces Bombard City, September 24, 2016


  1. This is just proof that those who deny the existence of civilian casualties will justify civilian casualties.

    Assadists deny the existence of Assad’s crimes but if they become convinced that Assad’s crimes were real they will most likely justify Assad’s crimes.

    Compare this to the logic of holocaust deniers:

    Holocaust deniers deny the existence of the Holocaust but if they become convinced that the Holocaust was real they will most likely justify the Holocaust.

    Denial of the existence of a crime almost always implies justification for the crime.

    Other examples:

    Right-wing Islamophobes deny the existence of the Rabaa massacre but if they become convinced that the massacre was real they will justify it by saying that those Islamists deserved to be killed.

    The alt-right deny that Trump supporters are violent but at the same time they justify violence against liberals.

    Denial of the existence of a crime almost always implies justification for the crime.

    Comment by 3D Face Analysis — September 26, 2016 @ 1:12 am

  2. Global warming denialists deny the existence of global warming but if they become convinced that global warming is real they will justify it by arguing that the government should not regulate the environment to increase economic growth.

    Comment by 3D Face Analysis — September 26, 2016 @ 1:15 am

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