School of Papua
PLACE: Sorong , Papua Barat
DIRECTOR: Thois Wanma
David Womsiwor is an artist and teaches at an elementary school in Sorong. He is concerned about the disappearance of Papua tradition and culture. He incorporates arts into the curriculum so students understand their cultural practices and can use them in their lives. He calls this the true school of Papua in Indonesia.
Sekolah Papua
DURASI: 08.02
TEMPAT: Sorong , Papua Barat
DIREKTUR: Thois Wanma
David Womsiwor, seorang seniman yang juga seorang guru di salah satu sekolah dasar di Kabupaten Sorong prihatin dengan adat istiadat dan budaya Papua yang hampir punah. Ia memadukan seni dalam pelajaran yang ada di sekolah disesuaikan dengan adat istiadat dan budaya setempat. Karena itu baginya ini adalah ‘Sekolah Papua’ yang ada di Indonesia.
Thanks, it is inspiring me.
senang dengan bahasa indonesia
bergabung sekolah
Membagi pengalaman sesama komunitas
saling membagi pengetahuan
Respect! We need more dedicated teachers like David who values education as an essential medium in constructing identity whilst maintaining the rights of children to explore and play. David’s teaching method remind me of one of Finland’s schooling system as the best one in the world: