
US Election 2016: Mike Pence and Tim Kaine in vice-presidential debate

The only vice-presidential debate of the 2016 US election features the lesser-known running mates of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Mike Pence is the Republican governor of Indiana and a former congressman. His Democrat rival is Senator Tim Kaine who was once the governor of Virginia.

Mike Pence and Tim Kaine.
Mike Pence and Tim Kaine.  

That's it for today's debate.

The campaigns are at it again next Monday at noon when Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton debate in a town hall style debate.

The other consensus from the debate is that Mike Pence is a better candidate than Donald Trump.

A CNN focus group of undecided voters in Richmond, Virginia says that Tim Kaine was the winner although the host is quick to point out that Kaine is a former mayor, governor and now a senator from Virginia.

First non-scientific poll is in

And that is that.

I don't think there was a clear winner in this debate, however I think it works better for the Clinton campaign because Mike Pence was preaching to the converted while Kaine was actively courting the women's vote.

Pence's performance would certainly have gone down well with established Republicans.

  • Mike Pence looked more sombre, less animated but more composed.
  • Tim Kaine was more animated, and particularly early on, seemed less in control and more aggressive.

CNN says that Pence won the night but his failure to defend Trump might well mean he loses the week as the post-debate reaction zeroes in on that.

A good line: "Mike Pence was better at attacking Hillary Clinton than defending Donald Trump".

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Finally, both candidates are asked about how they will unify the country.

Tim Kaine says Donald Trump runs an insult campaign but says Mike Pence only fault is defending it.

The Senator highlights how well Hillary Clinton works with Republicans, which is something former Australian ambassador to the US, Kim Beazley, says as well.

Mike Pence says change in Washington is the ticket to unify the country. Again, it is the outsiders versus the insiders.

This could be a telling moment.

Mike Pence has conceded a mistake by Trump (sort of).

When the Governor denied that the Trump campaign wants to jail women who have an abortion, Tim Kaine asked then why did he say it?

The response: Trump is not a polished politician.

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An interesting question between balancing faith and public policy. I think both candidates will do well on this question and will not argue with each other.

Tim Kaine goes first and says that he has never compromised his beliefs but also understood that as a public figure he took an oath to uphold the law and did so.

Mike Pence starts off with a bipartison love-in with his rival but eventually brings up Hillary Clinton's pro-abortion stance.

Senator Kaine counters by saying that people should embrace faith but as public figures not impose it. He says the Clinton camp is a big supporter of Roe v Wade.

Trump is getting shouty!

Senator Kaine refers to the humanitarian work of the Clinton Foundation and that it is a bona fide charity unlike the Trump foundation.


A lot of time being spent on foreign policy in this debate. This question is on Iran and North Korea and thwarting their nuclear ambitions.

Mike Pence says these countries do not respect American power and the only way to peace is through strength.

He counters the Trump tax attack by highlighting the affairs of the Clinton foundation and its relationship with foreign governments.

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Governor Pence has pivoted to the insiders v outsiders debate. Washington v the rest of the country.

He accuses Obama and Clinton of allowing Russia to grow its influence in the world and allowing ISIS to run riot in Syria and Iraq.


The debate has descended to a "he said, she said". The issue is nuclear proliferation. Tim Kaine says Trump said it, Mike Pence denies it.

Governor Mike Pence has kept a stern face tonight.

Republican vice-presidential nominee Gov. Mike Pence.
Republican vice-presidential nominee Gov. Mike Pence. Photo: AP
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