Angry commuter confronts Malcolm Turnbull over Opal card at Central Station

An angry commuter has unleashed her transport woes on Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull at a Sydney train station.

Mr Turnbull was at Central Station on Wednesday to announce a crackdown on unscrupulous private colleges.

Malcolm Turnbull is confronted by a passenger at Central Station.
Malcolm Turnbull is confronted by a passenger at Central Station. Photo: AAP/Mick Tsikas

But after making it through a sea of selfies with commuters, the public transport enthusiast was confronted by a woman who said she was unable to get home.

"I come from the country and I'm stuck. I don't come from another country, I come from this country and I'm stuck," the unnamed woman yelled from behind the ticket gate.

Senator Nigel Scullion and Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull at Central Station on Wednesday.
Senator Nigel Scullion and Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull at Central Station on Wednesday. Photo: Jessica Hromas

"We're stuck in our own country. How do you think foreigners are feeling and they don't know how to work the Opal system?"

"I voted for you. I'm sorry.


"I want to go home to the country."

Indigenous Affairs Minister Nigel Scullion, who was with Mr Turnbull for the announcement, swiped her through with his own pass.

"Resolving problems all over the place," Mr Turnbull remarked before striding towards his own train.

In fact, the Opal card is a NSW government - not federal government - initiative.

AAP, Fairfax Media