Study with us


Study with us

Think you know Essex? Think again.

We are Essex. We’re about people who love to learn how, but want to challenge why.

As an Essex undergraduate you don't just learn how, we encourage you to ask difficult questions and make your voice heard.

Here are just some of the reasons that studying for your degree at Essex is probably the best decision you could make:

Top 10 for student satisfaction

In the 2016 National Student Survey:

  • our students voted us top ten in England for student satisfaction for the fourth year in a row
  • 90% of Essex students expressed overall satisfaction with their course

Get your hands dirty

While lectures are a valuable part of your learning journey, they're not the whole story. Once you’ve found your niche, we want you to take it as far as you’re willing to go.

At Essex, you not only learn from the best, but also get the chance to experience and contribute to the current, exciting work that’s happening all around you. Our Undergraduate Research Opportunity Placements offer students a structured route to paid participation in real-life research, and our academic departments offer plenty of other ways to nurture your developing research skills. We want you to help us change the world.

Some of the investigations that our undergraduates are currently working on include:

  • Policing with the help of big data

    Today’s police forces are using increasingly sophisticated statistical techniques to help predict crime hot-spots – yet there is little evidence on whether these techniques actually help reduce crime. Our researchers are working closely alongside Essex Police to monitor and help improve their policing strategies.

  • Freshwater predator-prey interactions, from the lab to the wild

    A recent analysis determined that Earth has lost 75% of its wildlife in freshwater habitats since 1970. Our student researcher is helping to investigate the role of predator size on the structure, functions, and dynamics of freshwater communities, by catching wild fish of different sizes and examining the feeding behaviour of two types of prey in our labs.

  • Language and schizophrenia

    How can we investigate the relationship between mental illness and creative writing? Part of a larger research programme on ‘Outsider Writing’, this project is exploring 20th century texts that deal with language and schizophrenia.

    Our student researcher is digging through our archives to identify passages in which schizophrenics have been quoted or reported on, making transcriptions and summaries of the key passages which will be essential to the wider project.

  • New theatre installation piece examining the UK's role in the arms trade

    Help explore alternative ways in which we can tell stories about war and the arms trade. Our student researcher is analysing interviews with experts from academia and non-governmental organisations in order to help transform their insights into a theatrical piece. We aim to stage a multi-site performance installation that will guide audience members through scenes in which they are cast as decision-makers, arbiters, and peace-keepers.

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UG Open Days

Book a place at our undergraduate Open Day. Our department and admissions staff can answer any questions you have, and you can speak to current students about life at Essex while taking a campus tour.

Life at Essex

three students talking

Why not find out what life at Essex is really like? See more of our campuses, facilities and accommodation and hear from our students and academics about what it's like to study with us.

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Search our Scholarship Finder to see the funding opportunities available to you. We offer a wide range of scholarships and bursaries to make sure everyone with the potential can succeed.