Accommodation at our Southend Campus

In this video students tell us about their experience of living in accommodation at our Southend Campus.

Fancy living in one of the most iconic new buildings in Southend?

Just off the High Street, and a matter of minutes from the Gateway Building and the Forum, our bright and modern accommodation at University Square is unmissable (literally). There are over 560 student rooms arranged in flats, within seven houses situated around a central enclosed courtyard.

With all the amenities of town on your doorstep, and all the perks of University-provided housing, you’ll enjoy the best of both worlds at University Square.

What's included?

Included in your rent is wifi, heating, hot water, electricity and the cleaning of communal areas (such as kitchens) – so no need to worry about arguments over whose turn it is to vacuum! Rooms are normally let for the full academic year from late September to the end of June, which means that even if you’re away from the University during the winter and spring vacations, you don’t have to remove your things from your room.

Happy students

We understand how important it is for you to be happy in your new home so we strive to continually improve the experience we offer. We are continuously upgrading our residences to create vibrant living and learning environments. Everything is at your fingertips with launderettes, gyms, and convenience stores close at hand.

Supported students

The purpose of our Residence Life team is to create a harmonious community in which to live and learn. A Residents’ Assistant is based in your area of accommodation and will meet you soon after you arrive. They ensure that you have opportunities to get involved in University life and social activities, and provide support outside of office hours.

What our students say

What our students say

Zsolt Gergely

MSc International Business and Entrepreneurship

I felt at home from day one

From day one, I felt at home at University Square. Each and every person is really nice and helpful. One time, in the laundrette, all of the driers were taken, apart from one, and there was a chap who was filling it up. When he noticed that I needed it too, he offered to share it with me, even though I didn’t know him. It’s that community spirit which makes it special here.

Making friends was probably the easiest thing in the world for me. Everyone is so friendly – whenever I share the elevator with someone, we get talking, and I’ve even made some long-lasting friendships that way!

It’s very hard to pick a favourite memory, as I have so many, but if I had to pick the funniest one, it’d be the time one of my friends went out to grab some milk from the kitchen in just his boxers, locked his door and accidentally broke his card (the key which opens the door). He had to go down to the reception half-naked to get back into his room!

One of my nicest memories was when we all got back from the Christmas holidays, sat down in the kitchen and ordered a ton of food, and shared our stories from the holidays. It really felt like home then.

What our students say

Ancuta-Florentina Savu

Ancuta-Florentina Savu

Second year BSc Marketing

It's the best way to experience student life

I’ve been living in University Square for two years now, which probably shows how much I’ve enjoyed it. For someone in their first year, it’s perfect, as it’s got everything you need for your first time away from home.

One of the best things about University Square is that it’s en-suite, so you get some privacy, but the kitchen is communal, which means making friends is easy. We get a cleaner once a week and I don’t need to worry about bills, as it’s all included in the rent.

University Square is so tall and colourful, you can see it from miles away. I like it because it doesn’t look like a regular, boring building – when I see it, I always smile.

I’d truly recommend living in University Square – it’s the best way to experience student life, and an amazing way to meet people like you.

What our students say

Beatriz Alarcon Zlatkis

Second year BSc Marketing

Making friends was easy

University Square is probably the most striking building on campus – it reminds me of Tetris, which is actually my favourite game!

One of the best things about University Square is the location. It’s just a few minutes away from campus, and right opposite the supermarket.

The fact we’re all in the same building meant making friends was easy, and living with friends makes me miss home much less.

UG Open Days

Book a place at our undergraduate Open Day. Our department and admissions staff can answer any questions you have, and you can speak to current students about life at Essex while taking a campus tour.

PG events

Book a place at a postgraduate event to find out about studying at a top 20 UK research university. Staff will be available to answer your questions and you can speak to students about life at Essex.

Students' Union

Students' Union

Our Students' Union (SU) is one of the most active in the country. Our SU will be there to offer you support, plus the opportunity to join numerous clubs and societies and to enjoy lots of events and nights out.

Sports facilities

Our sports facilities include outdoor pitches stretching across 40 acres as well as extensive indoor facilities.