
The GOP declares debate victory for Mike Pence, 90 minutes before it starts

Our sincere congratulations to Republican vice presidential candidate Mike Pence, who, according to the Republican Party, emerged victorious in the sole vice presidential debate of 2016, despite it having not happened yet.

The GOP appears to have accidentally published its draft of a post congratulating Pence on his victory about two hours before the thing actually started.

Mike Pence was declared the winner of the debate.. before it even kicked off.
Mike Pence was declared the winner of the debate.. before it even kicked off.  Photo: AP

It's not uncommon for communications staffers to prepare statements in advance, of course. It is, however, unusual to make those congratulations live.

Victory for Mike Pence ... before the debate starts.

Victory for Mike Pence ... before the debate starts.

The consensus was clear well before the dust settled, it seems!

We have to agree that Pence's forthcoming top moments of the debate were "Economy" and "Highlighting Hillary's scandals." Who could forget those top moments, which we expect to see sometime over the next few hours. Good memories of those things in the future.


Also congrats to Donald Trump, who earns a little mention in there. But you know who did not win is Hillary Clinton, that's for sure. The GOP had a story ready to go on that, too.

And the apparent loser.

And the apparent loser.

The American people have spoken from the future! They say this: Tonight's biggest loser is, Hillary Clinton.

We are, by now, used to the distinction between who-actually-won-the-debate and who-the-losing-side-says-won-the-debate. We also remember that the Trump campaign was running ads blaring "TRUMP WON" even before the first presidential debate ended and that the campaign subsequently embraced garbage online surveys as evidence of their victory. But pre-declaring victory is just a smidge further down the line.

The Republican Party, apparently realising this, retracted both articles. Meaning that the future is yet to be written! We can't wait to see who the GOP thinks actually won the debate -- and what top moments that victor might have experienced.

Washington Post