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Monthly Archives: August 2010

Bee-utiful Beards

There are somethings that I photograph that I just really don’t believe that I’m seeing through them through the lens.  Well last week in Aylmer at the Clovermead Bees & Honey Bee Beard competition I was really full of disbelief.  Four bee keepers had a competition to see who could have the most bees climbing all over them.  A queen bee is place around the neck and the worker bees all gather around her.  And gather they did, around the necks, on the heads and in one case completely over his face!!  I don’t mind bees but that’s going to the extreme, wow.  The keepers only suffered a few stings during the event.

Tibor Szabo of Guelph, Ontario reaches his arm around fellow competitor Christy Hiemstra of Alymer, at the Clovermead Bees & Honey, Bee Beard Competition in Aylmer, Ontario, Saturday, August 14, 2010. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Dave Chidley

Albert de Vries of St. Thomas, Ontario walks while covered with over 5 lbs of honey bees, at the Clovermead Bees & Honey, Bee Beard Competition in Aylmer, Ontario, Saturday, August 14, 2010. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Dave Chidley

Spectator Sue Lees of Hamilton, Ontario kisses competitor Tibor Szabo of Guelph, Ontario with his head completely covered with honey bees, at the Clovermead Bees & Honey, Bee Beard Competition in Aylmer, Ontario, Saturday, August 14, 2010. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Dave Chidley

Tibor Szabo of Guelph, Ontario walks through the crowd, while his head is completely covered with honey bees except for one eye, at the Clovermead Bees & Honey, Bee Beard Competition in Aylmer, Ontario, Saturday, August 14, 2010. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Dave Chidley

A huge Friday the 13th gathering in Port Dover

For the last 50 Friday the 13th dates on the calendar motorcyclists have gathered in the small town of Port Dover, Ontario.  With this anniversary date falling in the summer months the crowds were huge.  Estimates of 150,000 and as many as 50,000 motorcycles packed the town.  The event isn’t a huge commercial production, people just show up and site see, and for the most part it’s quite tame and quiet, at least during the day!  But crowded it is.  Just walking around is difficult.  Getting into town and making photos, and somehow getting out in a reasonable time to transmit the images is a real challenge.

Motorcyclists ride into the small town of Port Dover, Ontario for PD13, a gathering of motorcyclists and spectators held every Friday the 13th. An estimated 150,000 people packed the town for the 50th gathering since the first in 1981. Port Dover, Ontario, Friday, August 13, 2010. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Dave Chidley

Motorcyclists ride into the small town of Port Dover, Ontario for PD13, a gathering of motorcyclists and spectators held every Friday the 13th. An estimated 150,000 people packed the town for the 50th gathering since the first in 1981. Port Dover, Ontario, Friday, August 13, 2010. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Dave Chidley

Motorcyclists and spectators pack the small town of Port Dover, Ontario for PD13, a gathering of motorcyclists and spectators held every Friday the 13th. An estimated 150,000 people packed the town for the 50th gathering since the first in 1981. Port Dover, Ontario, Friday, August 13, 2010. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Dave Chidley

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