
2016 VCE exam guide — Chemistry: Prepare to tackle new contexts

PREPARING for an examination based on the specified key knowledge content of Units 3 and 4 poses particular challenges in establishing full understanding of recently covered content while maintaining appropriate understanding of content covered earlier in the year.

The examination will require much more than simple recall of key knowledge.

Of the key skills designated in the study design, three will strongly influence examination performance. How well you:

apply understandings in familiar and new contexts,

interpret, explain and communicate chemical information accurately and effectively,

use scientific language and conventions correctly.

In this attached PDF, some points, which historically have not been handled as well as might be expected, have been highlighted.

Many others are identified in the assessment reports. With those reports available to all VCE Chemistry students it would seem unwise not to make full use of them but remember they will be most useful if you have actually attempted the questions.

Good luck.

Christopher Dwyer is

an experienced VCE

chemistry assessor



When: November 8, 9am-11.45am

Reading: 15 minutes

Writing: 2 ½ hours

Worth: 60 per cent of study score