Save Our Weekend Petition - ACTU Australian Unions

Save Our Weekend Petition



Generations of union members have fought for and won penalty rates – as a fair reward for sacrificing precious time with family and friends.

But Liberal MPs are calling for them to be slashed.

Their Productivity Commission report called for them to be cut, and they have a Bill in the Parliament to make it easier for bosses to force workers to give up things like penalty rates under individual contracts.

These changes would be a hash pay cut that workers don’t deserve and can’t afford.

Campaign pressure has prevented them from going further. With your help we can stop them altogether.

Sign the petition today. Once you’ve signed, share it with your social media networks.


Dear Malcolm Turnbull,

I call on you to protect penalty rates by:

  • Putting in a submission to the Fair Work Commission’s penalty rates calling for them to be protected 

  • Withdrawing your Fair Work Amendment Bill, which would allow employers to pressure workers to trade away penalty rates under individual contracts; and

  • Passing laws to better protect penalty rates.


16,422 signatures

Will you sign?