Published Clips

Green Left Weekly
Redefining the Protest Song
We have made a revolution that is bigger than us
Chile: Movement seeks Social Justice through Education

Upside Down World
The Legacy of the Nueva Cancion: An Interview with Patricio Manns
Living under the Oppression of Democracy: The Mapuche People of Chile
Book Review: Memory and Justice in Democratic Chile
Memory in Exile: An Interview with Jorge Coulon of Inti Illimani
Seeking Social Justice Through Education in Chile
Book Review - Revolutionary Doctors: How Venezuela and Cuba are Changing the World's Conception of Health Care
'A Poetic Concept of Identity' - An Interview with Mapuche Poet David Aninir Guilitraro
Dictatorship Relics in Chile: Paying Homage to Miguel Krassnoff Martchenko
A Temporary Suspension of Exile: An Interview with Former MIR Militant Hugo Marchant
Chile's Government Wages War on Historical Memory and Truth
Destroying the Ability to Think Historically in Chile: An Interview with Chilean Historian Alberto Harambour
Music and Revolution: An Interview with Cuban Musician Vicente Feliu
The Right to Memory in Chile: An Interview with Erika Hennings,President of Londres 38
Connecting with an International Historical Reality: Book review of Jose Carlos Mariategui - An Anthology
Betraying Memory in Chile: Documental Pinochet's Manipulation of History
The Disappeared of Cuartel Simon Bolivar
Book Review: Feeding on Dreams - Confessions of an Unrepentant Exile

Toward Freedom
Book Review: Searching for the Global Hip Hop Generation
Book Review: The United States and Torture: Interrogation, Incarceration and Abuse
Book Review: After Abu Ghraib: Exploring Human Rights in America and the Middle East

Center for Latin American Studies, University of California, Berkeley
Translation of Vuelvo: A song by Patricio Manns

LSE Politics and Policy
Book Review - Dignity in Adversity: Human Rights in Troubled Times
Book Review - Twilight of Impunity: The War Crimes Trial of Slobodan Milosevic

LSE Review of Books
Book Review - Fragile States: War and Conflict in the Modern World

Book Review: Palestinians in Israel - Life Under Apartheid
Book Review: From Dresden to Abu Ghraib - Western Leaders Get Away With Murder

Irish Left Review
Beyond Human Rights and into the Borders of Society
Book Review: Diary of an Escape - Antonio Negri
Book Review: Marx and the Alternative to Capitalism - Kieran Allen
Book Review: Prison Notebook Volume 1, Antonio Gramsci
Book Review: Words of a Rebel - Peter Kropotkin
Book Review: Prison Notebooks, Volume II, Antonio Gramsci
Inside the Revolution: A Journey into the Heart of Venezuela
Book Review: Revolution, Democracy, Socialism - Selected Writings of V. I. Lenin
Chilean Documentary Reveals Name of Victor Jara's Alleged Killer
Book Review: Politics of Indignation - Imperialism, Post Colonial Disruptions and Social Change
Book Review: His Hands Were Gentle: Selected Lyrics of Victor Jara
Book Review: The UN and Human Rights: Who Guards the Guardians?

History Today
Victor Jara: A Victim of The Prince?

Palestine Chronicle
Land of Paralyzed Butterflies: A Poem

Middle East Monitor
Book Review: Beyond Occupation - Apartheid, Colonialism and International Law in the Occupied Palestinian Territories
Interview with Dr Salim Nazzal: Palestinian Exile, Identity and Conflict in Lebanon's Refugee Camps
Book Review: The Almond Tree
Blog: Visit of Arab foreign ministers shifts Palestinian discourse from isolation to unity
Blog: Israel failed in its duty to protect journalists in Gaza
Latin American reaction to Israeli aggression on Gaza
Interview with Mauricio Abu-Ghosh: Continental support for Palestinian cause in South America
Mobilisation of worldwide solidarity with Palestinians
In the name of security and profits: Israeli - EU arms dependence
UN resolution puts pressure on Israel to allow nuclear inspection
Unfree in Palestine: Registration, Documentation and Movement Restriction
Palestinian delegation visits Venezuela
Official discourse blanks out discussion of human rights violations in occupied West Bank
The manipulation of justice in the Occupied Palestinian Territories
The politics of resistance versus security coordination
Political discrimination in 'democratic Israel'
Human rights report highlights Israel's ongoing disregard for international law
Netanyahu's politics of necessity

In translation
Resena: Medicos Revolucionarios - Como Venezuela y Cuba Estan Cambiando la Concepcion del Mundo Sobre la Atencion Medica (Book Review: Revolutionary Doctors)
Musica y Revolucion: Entrevista con el musico Cubano Vicente Feliu (Music and Revolution: Interview with Vicente Feliu)
Βίκτορ Χάρα: Η αντιφασιστική φωνή της Χιλής (Victor Jara: A Victim of The Prince?)
A Nueva Cancion Oeroeksege Interju Patricio Manns Szal (The Legacy of the Nueva Cancion: An Interview with Patricio Manns)
Sus manos eran suaves: textos seleccionados de Victor Jara (Spanish translation of my book review His Hands Were Gentle: Selected Lyrics of Victor Jara)
La manipulation de la justice dans les Territoires Palestiniens
La invencion de la tierra de israel

Forty Years Later, Justice For Victor Jara. School of Americas grad accused of murdering the popular allende era performer

A complete showcase of my work on the struggle of memory against dictatorship oblivion in Chile may be accessed at Venceremos Chile: A journey through metaphor and memory

Articles, interviews and book reviews have also been republished in Alborada, Zero Books, London Progressive Journal, Group 194, Al-Zaytouna Centre for Studies and Consultation, Quds Media, and The Election Review.


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