Saturday, November 28, 2009

The Scent of Nostalgia (6)

I reiterate that the most powerful aspect of nostalgia is the yearning to have been part of a past beyond one's years. In the glossy photographs, the companeros smile and gaze around victoriously. The least I can do to alleviate my absence is grasp each bequeathed memory and stain it with my fingerprints as a signature of appreciation.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Administering a Form of Justice (18)

Justice incorporates and manipulates narrators and their invisible, exiled opponents. it allows deceitful narration to flourish by amalgamating trust and blame into a parody of cooperation. The narrator is exalted for his lies and partially pardoned, while the invisible exile continues to debate a prolonged wait in which time holds a lesser significance.

In an enforced exile, waiting eliminates the possibility of harmony, causing half of the separated entities to find a balance or descend into breeding hatred.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Epilogues (7)

There are epilogues that wallow in waiting. Their existence resembles the metaphor of time embroiled in reminiscence of a voyage that recognises no destination. The vagrant mind is enticed by covering masses of philosophy and cramming relics into the crevices occupied by memories. The epilogue reaches its regeneration in an echo commemorating history, the future and the fervour of revolt.

Administering a Form of Justice (17)

An insidious thought manifests itself in manipulation and lies that serve the administration of justice perfectly. In a volume of technical terms constituting the basis of law, power is given to the authorities to demean and persecute on basis of oath. This form of justice allows lies to bloom with full approval, disregarding integrity by defining a word as utter truth.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Administering a Form of Justice(16)

Sometimes, justice awards its benevolence in a parade depicting fairness and morality, thus shoving to the background the reality of a person who suffers in his quest to attain natural freedom. The benevolence awarded by justice takes the form of freedom from dreary prison cells, from exile, or compensation for the injustices inflicted on a person by others who adore the power of intimidating and ridiculing honesty.

The halls of justice are a parody of their own images. The lenience and disregard for suffering is never justified and no person has been compensated for the years languishing in confinement, for there is nothing equivalent to the time spent tortured into mulling over whether justice is rational enough to recognise innocence in a trial that should have never commenced.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Epilogues (6)

Journeys become relics of metaphors when the author absorbs the music created by seasons, days and realities. The fixed lines on maps bow with reverence to the undocumented paths, forfeiting their illustration to the emblems of inspired wandering. Scattered mosaics and crumbling columns, the strings of a discarded violin, white sand and the monuments that stand to witness the reality of revolutions weave journeys into a tangible music score. When it is performed the signature of its narrator dims, as nostalgia paves the way for recollections to assert their stance in a grey world that fears the brightness of washed colours.