Bernie Sanders Bows Out

Having acquired less delegates than Hillary Clinton in the primaries, Bernie Sanders has endorsed her as the Democratic candidate for the US presidency in the elections in November. Even if had won the nomination and actually become President of the United States of America, his freedom of action would be very restricted by economic and […]

A Rose by any other name (1954)

From the May-June 1954 issue of the Western Socialist We are all “socialists” now. Let us witness the parade: The Churchill Tory socialists, the French Radical Socialists, the totalitarian “socialist” governments including the black, brown and red shirts, the New – Deal—Fair – Deal creeping “socialists,” the Labour Parties of Europe, the Asiatic “socialist” and “communist” […]

The Mind of a Social Democrat (1966)

Book Review from the 1966 – number 5 issue of The Western Socialist   The Accidental Century by Michael Harrington (New York: Macmillan Co., 1965) Next to the world-wide Moscovite movement, the largest phony “socialist” tendency is that which is frequently referred to as “social democratic,” or, unfortunately, as “socialist.” The Scandinavian social democratic parties, […]


From the December 1930 issue of the Socialist Standard Formation of the Workers’ Socialist Party, (U.S.A.) Ten months ago we announced that our comrades in the Socialist Educational Society of America had launched a monthly paper, “The Socialist.” After a short but useful life, publication of the new journal had to be suspended owing to […]

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