Politics With Charles P. Pierce

Politics With Charles P. Pierce
The Truth About One of Trump's Biggest Lies
Even the blue collar swing state voters he needs see right through this one.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
Hey, Look! It's a Fox News Fight!
Hannity and Kelly are fighting over Trumpiness.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
People in Power Don't Want You to Vote
There are voter suppression schemes all over the country.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
And Now for a Brief, Vital History Lesson on Mike Pence
He wasn't always "the future."
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
'The Deficit' Rises from the Dead
A "bipartisan" commission sneaks it into the debate.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
Mike Pence Is Actively Refusing to Pardon a Completely Innocent Man
Did we mention he's a person of color?
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
There's Some Serious Radicalism Emerging in Kentucky
Thanks to Governor Matt Bevin.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
We Caught a Glimpse of the Republican Party's Future Last Night
And it looks, unfortunately, like Mike Pence.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
This Election Was Crying Out for a 'Buttplug'
Alex Jones to the rescue.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
At What Point Will Mike Pence and Tim Kaine Talk About Sex Tapes?
Thoughts on the prospect of a VP debate snoozefest.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
Bill Clinton Has Lost the Plot
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
Can Someone Check on Paul Ryan?
Trials and tribulations in the Age of Trump.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
When Are We Going to Answer for Torture?
And when is John Brennan going to get fired?
Sarah Palin
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
It's Not Fair to Simply Blame Sarah Palin
Our American discourse was poisoned years before her arrival.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
Here's a (Fairly Vile) Campaign Update
It's not getting any better out there.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
Trump Lost Nearly $1 Billion in One Year. What Part of That Is Genius?
You do the math.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
Deep in the Heart of Texas Lies a Toxic Wasteland
And people are cheering.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
Let's Inaugurate a New Friday Tradition
Out on the weekend, where there's a new trophy in town.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
Donald Trump Knows That Reading Is for Suckers
Who even has time to "review" "legal" "documents"?
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
Linda Tripp Is Back with a Monica Lewinsky Conspiracy Theory
That you can read on a Trump lackey's right-wing content farm.
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