Our First “Islam In America” Profile, Paid For By Readers Like You

Muaz Zekeria is a freelance writer for Nerdist and The Game Fanatics, who covers gaming, films, and pop culture. He spoke to Shadowproof on the subject of being Black and Muslim in the gaming industry, as well as what he considers the best and worst games.

Using video, audio, and written word, Shadowproof columnist Roqayah Chamseddine will profile a Muslim American every week for the next couple of months as part of an Islam In America project.

Please donate $20 or more today to help us reach our $4,000 goal to fund this project.



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The Dissenter

Hillary Clinton at the post-DNC rally in Philadelphia. Photo by neverbutterfly on Flickr.
08 Oct 2016

WikiLeaks Release Of Clinton Campaign Emails Smeared As Russian Masterminded Plot (Again)

With no specific evidence, President Barack Obama’s administration explicitly claimed the Russian government was responsible for stealing emails from the Democratic National Committee and other individuals and organizations closely linked to the Democratic Party. The accusation came just as WikiLeaks published emails from Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, John Podesta. The

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel speaks on October 5 about the passage of an ordinance to create a Civilian Office of Police Accountability (COPA). Still image from City of Chicago broadcast.
06 Oct 2016

Rahm Emanuel Resists Citizen Oversight Of Chicago Police

By not establishing a civilian oversight mechanism as part of this push for police reform, Rahm Emanuel showed he does not trust Chicagoans.

Hillary Clinton gives a speech to supporters after conceding to Bernie Sanders, Hooksett New Hampshire, USA (Ted Eytan on Flickr)
04 Oct 2016

The Problem With Progressives Defending What Clinton Said In Hacked Audio

While speaking to donors at a private fundraiser in February, Clinton derided the “false promise” of the Sanders campaign. Why defend that?

Screenshot from the trailer for "Birth Of A Nation" (Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIlUerVomDE)
04 Oct 2016

Protest Song Of The Week: ‘War’ By Nas Featuring Raye

An album of songs inspired by the film, “The Birth Of A Nation,” which opens on October 7, contains multiple protest songs celebrating Nat Turner as a black revolutionary. As the film’s website describes, the film directed by Nate Parker is set against the antebellum South. Samuel Turner, who owns


Prison Protest

Still image from video published by Free Alabama Movement. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wvRvB4kBls
07 Oct 2016

Video Of Holman Prisoner Is Rare Example Of Free Expression From Incarcerated Person

Wheeler’s testimony is a rare example of a prisoner’s stories and experiences shared without the monitoring or interference of prison administrators.

File: Razor wire outside a prison in Maryland. (Flickr / Fred Dunn)
06 Oct 2016

How Some Prisons Swiftly Moved To Undermine National Prison Strike

More details are finally being shared on what happened in the early days of a massive national prison strike that has now lasted for about a month.

Imam Siddique Abdullah Hasan. Photo via Lucasville Amnesty. Source: http://www.lucasvilleamnesty.org/2016/08/detailed-update-from-imam-siddique.html
04 Oct 2016

Ohio Muslim Prisoner Threatened With Punishment For NPR Interview On Prison Strike

Ohio prisoner Imam Siddique Abdullah Hasan says he was recently threatened with disciplinary action by an investigator at the Ohio State Penitentiary for speaking on the National Public Radio program, “On Point,” about the September 9 national prison strike. Hasan, who is a Muslim spiritual leader on death row for his alleged

D. Ray James Correctional Facility. Photo by GEO Group. Source: http://www.geogroup.com/FacilityDetail/FacilityID/45
30 Sep 2016

Bureau Of Prisons Renews Private Prison Contract In Georgia

The federal Bureau of Prisons is extending its two year contract for the D. Ray James Correctional Facility, a Geo Group-operated private prison.

Huntsville Prison (Photo by c0ldgirl)
29 Sep 2016

Resistance Continues As Historic Prison Strike Enters Fourth Week

UPDATE: The prison strikes raging across the country are about more than just slave labor practices. Prisoners are also taking action against other abuses they face, such as the lack of adequate medical and mental healthcare. On Friday morning, Free Alabama Movement’s Kinetik Justice Amun posted a video to Twitter, which provides a

A pregnant prisoner in a bare cell with a simple bed. The inmate's head is turned away from the camera, so only her hair is visible. (National Crittenton Foundation)
29 Sep 2016

Why Women Joined—And Didn’t Join—One Of The Largest Prison Strikes In US History

The number of incarcerated women participating in a national prison strike launched on September 9 may be very small compared to the number of incarcerated men, however, their actions have been no less significant. “I would like you and supporters to know that there was a symbolic protest at Washington


The Bullpen

Former President Bill Clinton speaks about the Affordable Care Act. Still from FOX broadcast.
05 Oct 2016

Bill Clinton Gaffe Highlights Failing Obamacare

Either the US adopts a single-payer healthcare system or it accepts a brutal classist system. There is no third way.

Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf being sworn in . Still from CSPAN broadcast.
03 Oct 2016

Wells Fargo Hearing Shows New Fears Of Wall Street Regulation

Republicans tried to blame the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau for being “asleep at the wheel,” and Wells Fargo’s CEO for giving their opponents ammunition.

Still from PBS NewsHour broadcast of the first 2016 presidential debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.
28 Sep 2016

TPP And Trade Take Center Stage At First Presidential Debate

The debate focused on trade deals signed by the US and their effects on the country’s working class, particularly in swing states OH, MI, and PA.

Mayor Rahm Emanuel (Screen shot from Fox News affiliate in Phoenix.)
26 Sep 2016

FBI: Murder Rate Up Over 10% Due To Increased Killings Of Black Men

According to the data, over 900 more black men were murdered in 2015 than 2014, their deaths mostly the result of gun violence.

Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf testifies before the Senate Banking Committee. Still from CSPAN Broadcast.
21 Sep 2016

Wells Fargo CEO Tells Congress Bank’s Culture Not To Blame

On Tuesday, Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf testified before the Senate Banking Committee regarding the company’s recent fraudulent account scandal.

Still image from video of Black Lives Matter protester confronting Hillary Clinton about her "superpredator" comment. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LqLfvQfuvsA
19 Sep 2016

Hillary Clinton Offers Millennials A Misleading Look At Her Record In Op-Ed

The Clinton campaign continues to believe her problem with Millennials is that her message isn’t reaching them. The actual problem is the message itself.


Sharp Edges

Muaz Zekeria, a video game enthusiast and writer, discusses his experiences as a black Muslim in the gaming industry. Still from "Islam In America."
04 Oct 2016

Interview: Muaz Zekeria, Black Muslim Gamer and Freelance Writer

In her first profile for “Islam In America,” Roqayah Chamseddine speaks with Muaz Zekeria about his experiences as a Black Muslim in the gaming industry.

Still from preview video of "Islam In America." Animation by Roqayah Chamseddine.
01 Oct 2016

Interview With Roqayah Chamseddine About Her New Project, ‘Islam In America’

In an interview, Roqayah Chamseddine talks about why it was important to pursue a new journalism project challenging representations of American Muslims.

Still from preview video of "Islam In America." Animation by Roqayah Chamseddine.
27 Sep 2016

Help Fund Roqayah Chamseddine’s New Project Dismantling Muslim Caricatures

Using video, audio, and written word, Shadowproof columnist Roqayah Chamseddine will profile a Muslim American every week, but we need our readers’ help.

Photo by The All-Nite Images on Flickr.
19 Sep 2016

Delete Your Account – Episode 17: Slavery Never Ended

Roqayah and Kumars interview several organizers affiliated with the prison labor strike currently happening at dozens of facilities across the country.

Fidencio Sanchez (Source: https://www.gofundme.com/2am4q7kk)
16 Sep 2016

When Charity Tokenizes Laborers And Fuels Loathing Of Working Class

Ninety year-old Fidencio Sanchez has sold popsicles in Chicago for nearly 76 years, according to an interview with CNN. “I feel my body is starting to give up on me,” Sanchez said. “I suffer sometimes when it’s cold, and my arms and feet hurt.” Sanchez’s elderly wife, Eladia, used to help

In San Francisco, a solidarity protest against the Dakota Access Pipeline. (Photo by Peg Hunter)
12 Sep 2016

Struggle To Kill Dakota Access Pipeline Reinvigorated By Obama Intervention

While viewed as a small victory, U.S. government intervention emboldens indigenous resistance to the Dakota Access Pipeline in North Dakota.


The Next Cold War

Sec. Kerry with French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault.October, 2016. (by State Dept)
07 Oct 2016

War Party ‘Fever Pitch’ for Syria Strikes; Al Qaeda Rejects Evacuation Offer

Next Cold War Roundup 10/7/16 Josh Rogin reports a “fever pitch” among hawks inside the Obama administration making US military intervention plans for Syria. George Soros, and a day later John Kerry, called for a war crimes investigation. The Russian military issued a warning about strikes on Syria. UN envoy

Photo courtesy of National Nuclear Security Administration / Nevada Site Office - This image is available from the National Nuclear Security Administration Nevada Site Office Photo Library under number XX-34.This tag does not indicate the copyright status of the attached work. A normal copyright tag is still required., Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=190949
06 Oct 2016

Syria White Helmets Become Latest Neocon Tool For Regime Change

US neoconservatives and other proponents of regime change in Syria have a new tool in their quest to play God in the Middle East: the Syria White Helmets.

White Helmets members celebrate with armed al Nusra (al Qaeda) jihadists in Syria (Still shot from video)
04 Oct 2016

ISIS Disappears From Mosul on Battle’s Eve; White Helmets Exposed

ISIS has reportedly disappeared from the streets of Mosul; an exposé of the “White Helmets” in Syria has rattled the War Party establishment, and more in our round-up.

Free Syrian Army using Chinese FN-6 MANPADS in 2013.
30 Sep 2016

US Won’t Let Aleppo Fall; MANPADS to Syrian Rebels; War Pressure & Propaganda

Next Cold War Roundup 9/30/16 War of Words Continues to Escalate, Kerry Threatens to Cut All Ties With Russia _ In response to Samantha Power’s “barbarism” accusation, Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman, Maria Zakharova said the US is trying to distract from their attack on Syrian troops in Deir Ezzor, and then

Fake image suggesting #TrumpWon started in Russia, which went viral and was initially treated as reality by multiple media outlets.
29 Sep 2016

Establishment Media Caught Promoting Fake Russian Story On #TrumpWon Hashtag

There is a specter haunting the establishment media, the specter of a Trump presidency. This idea is apparently so terrifying that no unethical and hypocritical action is too extreme for “mainstream” journalists to take if it they believe it will damage Trump’s presidential prospects. Enter the Russian threat. Russian President

US Ambassador to UN Samantha Power and Henry Kissinger as she received Kissinger Prize. June, 2016 (by US Mission to UN)
27 Sep 2016

Samantha Power’s Rhetoric Endangers Peace Talks; Nusra Interview Claims US & Israeli Support

Samantha Power and others accused Russia of barbarism and war crimes before walking out of the emergency UN meeting they convened, and more in our round-up.


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