
Ecuador: se anunţă noi explozii sociale

Written by Patrick Larsen in Quito Monday, 13 March 2006
Romanian translation of Ecuador: New explosions are being prepared by Patrick Larsen (March 3, 2006)

40 de ani de la moartea lui Camilo Torres

Written by Patrick Larsen Friday, 24 February 2006
Romanian translation of Camilo Torres: 40 years after the death of a fighter for Latin American freedom by Patrik Larsen (February 17, 2006)

Declaraţia Curentului Internaţional Marxist şi Tendinţei Marxiste Internaţionale (CMR) la al VI-lea forum Social

Written by Corriente Marxista Revolucionaria Thursday, 26 January 2006

Ce e de făcut? - Sarcinile marxiştilor în situaţia de azi

Written by Alan Woods Wednesday, 30 April 2003
Romanian translation of "War on Iraq: What is to be done? -The current situation and the tasks of the Marxists." By Alan Woods (April 3, 2003).

Vandalii secolului XXI

Written by Alan Woods Wednesday, 16 April 2003
Romanian translation of Vandals of the 21st century by Alan Woods (April 2003)

Ce e de făcut? Sarcinile marxiştilor în situaţia de azi

Written by Alan Woods Tuesday, 15 April 2003
Romanian translation of What is to be done? - The current situation and the tasks of the Marxists by Alan Woods (April 2003)

Ce este marxismul?

Written by Rob Sewell and Alan Woods Wednesday, 19 March 2003
Romanian translation of "What is Marxism?" by Rob Sewell and Alan Woods

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