Madeleine Heffernan

Madeleine Heffernan covers the retail and consumer goods sectors.

Lidl likely to come to Australia?

Lidl seeks trademarks, stirs speculation

German discount supermarket Lidl is applying for trademarks covering hundreds of products, stirring speculation the retail giant is looking into opening in Australia.

Rewards programs at Coles and Woolworths are among the most popular customer loyalty programs in Australia.

Supermarket suppliers still 'under pressure'

As the big supermarkets Woolworths and ColesĀ cull their product ranges to cut costs and better compete with discounterĀ Aldi, suppliers are under as much pressure as they have been in the past five years.

Dentists in demand: Medibank to provide free annual dental checkup to "extras" policyholders.

Rivals sink teeth into new Medibank carrot

Australia's biggest private health insurer Medibank Private has joined many of its peers in offering free annual dental checkups for its 2.7 million 'extras' policyholders.