Mises Wire

The Bad News They Leave Out, and the Good News They Leave Out

StrategyU.S. EconomyPolitical Theory

21 min agoAudio/Video
Listen to Tom Woods' engaging talk from this past weekend's Mises Circle in Boston: The Real Economy—What Hillary and Trump Can’t and Won’t Address .

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The Trumped-Up Myths Behind "Trickle-Down" Economics

The EntrepreneurTaxes and SpendingPolitical Theory

Blog12 hours ago

The critique of "trickle-down" economics relies on a mistaken zero-sum view that more income for some must reduce incomes to others.

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Henry Hazlitt's Dystopia: A Review of Time Will Run Back

The EntrepreneurPhilosophy and MethodologyPolitical Theory

Blog12 hours ago

Henry Hazlitt brings to his only novel, Time Will Run Back, the same clarity and ease for the reader he brought to Economics in One Lesson.

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The Week in Review: October 1, 2016

Big GovernmentGlobal EconomyU.S. Economy


We take pride in continuing our namesake's legacy of uncompromising support for Austrian economics, freedom, and peace.

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Hillary's Huge Estate-Tax Hike

Taxes and SpendingPolitical Theory


Estate taxes destroy businesses and undermine families while enriching the state. Not surprisingly, Hillary Clinton wants more of them.

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What Makes Mises.org Different

StrategyAustrian Economics Overview


Many people regard economics as a difficult and tedious business. Mises.org shows it does not have to be that way.

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