What Jesus Says


Daily quotes from Jesus and elsewhere in the Bible.

Dołączył październik 2009


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  1. The mouth speaks what’s abundant in the mind. -Matthew 12:34

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  2. Jesus said, “I will give you rest”. -Matthew 11:28

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  3. I tell you not to worry about your life. -Matthew 6:25

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  4. We know that [Jesus] really is the Savior of the world - John 4:42 (please retweet)

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  5. With God all things are possible -- Matthew 19:26

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  6. Don’t worry about tomorrow -- Matthew 6:34 (please retweet)

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  7. Which of you whose son asked for bread would give him a stone?. -Matthew 7:9

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  8. Go away from me, you who work against the Law. -Matthew 7:23 (please retweet)

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  9. Jesus said, “You are my friends if you do what I command you” - John 15:14

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  10. podał dalej

    Love your enemies. Do good to those who hate you. Speak well of those who curse you. -Luke 6:27-28

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  11. With God all things are possible. - Matthew 19:26

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  12. I tell you not to worry about your life. -Matthew 6:25

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  13. What Jesus Says zaczął obserwować , , i 5 innych
    • @mukta251

      An Endeavor Towards a Drug-free World And A Primary Level Computer Training Programme for the Underprivileged Children

    • @Foxylous

      Purveyor of all things sweet/salty, edgy/classic, new/old. Poodle-lovin', West Indian, Big-Haired, Sophisticated lady with creative juices running all up & thru

  14. podał dalej

    [On the day of the Lord] the atmosphere will dissolve in fire and the elements will melt by burning - 2 Peter 3:12

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  15. Remain in me, and I will remain in you - John 15:4 (please retweet).

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  16. One sows and another reaps - John 4:37 (please retweet).

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  17. Heaven's kingdom is like a treasure hidden in a field - Matthew 13:44 (please retweet).

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  18. podał dalej

    God... sent his own Son (in the likeness of sinful flesh) as a sin offering, condemning sin in his flesh - Romans 8:3

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  19. In the resurrection, they won't marry or be given in marriage - Matthew 22:30 (please retweet).

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  20. Sneak away, Satan - Matthew 4:10 (please retweet).

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