Archive for the ‘Events’ Category

May 30: Hopi day school with Moshé Machover , Mike Macnair and Yassamine Mather

Wednesday, April 29th, 2015

Saturday May 30, 11am-5pm
The Cock Tavern, 23 Phoenix Rd, London NW1 1HB 


Video: Yassamine Mather on Rowhani in Davos, Iran sanctions, and HOPI Conference

Tuesday, January 21st, 2014

The uneasy agreement between the 5+1 powers and Iran over the country’s nuclear programme has provoked controversy in both countries and an almost hysterically hostile campaign from Israel. In the confusion, some clear facts emerge.


University of London Union, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HY

Registration: 10am

1) Imperialism, nuclear negotiations and US -Iran relations: Mike Macnair.
Israel and the need for war: Moshe Machover

2) Workers’ struggles before and after 1979: Torab Saleth
The Rouhani government, sanctions and workers’ struggles: Yassamine Mather

3) Iran’s national minorities: Nasrollah Ghazi

On Facebook 

This event will be broadcast on Livestream


Hands off the People of Iran Day School , January 25 2014 (فارسی)

Monday, December 9th, 2013

10am University of London Union, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HY


Registration: 10am

10.30am – 12.30

Israel and the need for war: Moshe Machover, Israeli socialist and founder of Matzpen.
Imperialism, nuclear negotiations and US -Iran relations: Mike Macnair, CPGB.

1 – 3pm

Repression – Iran’s political prisoners: speaker TBC
Sanctions, job losses and workers struggles: Yassamine Mather

3 – 5pm

Workers’ struggles before and after 1979: Torab Saleth
Iran’s national minorities: Nasrollah Ghazi

The uneasy agreement between the 5+1 powers and Iran over the country’s nuclear programme has provoked controversy in both countries and an almost hysterically hostile campaign from Israel. In the confusion, some clear facts emerge.

Sanctions have destroyed Iran’s economy, creating intense hardship for the majority of Iranians. However, they have done little or nothing to dent their declared targets: Iran’s nuclear programme and the private wealth of senior clerics. This was the conscious aim of the west, confirmed by recent comments from Obama, who made clear that the strategy of sanctions was to impoverish and drive to desperation the ordinary people of Iran and facilitate regime change from above. Therefore this has been a partial, but important, success for imperialism. It now poses new tasks for the anti-war and solidarity movement in a fluid new situation in the Middle East which is full of both dangers and possibilities for the working class and its allies.

This is why Hands Off the People of Iran is convening an important day school in central London to discuss the issues and map a way forward. The draft agenda is below, but check back regularly for updates and additions.

سمینار  یک روزه  کارزار  دست‌ها از مردم ایران کوتاه

شنبه  ۲۵ ژنویه ۲۰۱۴

ساعت ۱۰ صبح تا ۵ بعد از ظهر

سخنرانان : مشه ماخور، مایک مکنر، یاسمین میظر

،  تراب ثالث، نصرلله قاضی

محل برگزاری

University of London Union, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HY

Iranians & Israelis against war

Wednesday, August 8th, 2012

Israelis and Iranians against war
20th August 2012
4.45 pm
No to imperialist war! No to sanctions!
No to the theocratic regime!
Support for socialism and democracy in Iran and therefore solidarity with all democratic, working class, socialist and secular movements in Iran.
Opposition to Israeli, British and American nuclear weapons. For a Middle East free of nuclear weapons as a step towards world-wide nuclear disarmament!
On the first Day of Communist University
Glenthurston Apartments, 30 Bromley Rd. London, SE6 2TP
5 min walk from Catford railway station

ایرانیان و اسرأییلی‌ها ضّد جنگ
نه به جنگ امپرياليستی!  نه به جمهوری اسلامی! مخالفت با توسعه طلبی اسرائیل
پشتیبانی از سوسیالیزم و دموكراسی در ایران و همبستگی با تمام جنبش های دموكراتیك، سوسیالیستی و سكولار در ایران
· نه به سلاح های اتمی آمریكا، بریتانیا و اسرائیل و برای خاورمیانه ای عاری از هر گونه سلاح اتمی به مثابه قدمی در راه خلع سلاح اتمی بین المللی
پرفسور ماخوور – دانشگاه لندن
یاسمین میظر – دانشگاه گلاسکو
کارزار دستها از مردم ایران کوتاه در اولین روز دانشگاه کمونیستی

دوشنبه ۲۰ اوت
ساعت ۴.۴۵ بعد از ظهر
دانشگاه کمونیستی ۲۰-۲۶ اوت ۲۰۱۲
Glenthurston Apartments, 30 Bromley Rd. London, SE6 2TP
5 min walk from Catford railway station

Stop press: Majid Tamjidi to speak at Hopi school

Tuesday, April 17th, 2012

Majid Tamjidi

The veteran labour activist and political analyst Majid Tamjidi, who now lives in exile, will be joining our weekend school on Saturday April 21 at 2.30pm.

He will address the vital issue of ‘How sanctions and the Islamic regime destroy the Iranian working class’.

His intervention comes at a time when thousands of jobs are being lost. Many people have returned from the New Year holidays on April 1 to be told that their jobs have gone. Others haven’t been paid for many months. We know of  many people who now have to move out of their homes, because they cannot pay the rent anymore.

The Iranian theocracy has played a big part in destroying the once so mighty Iranian working class – but the sanctions are doing the rest. Some believe that sanctions are an alternative to war. But in reality, they are a form of wardesigned to soften up a country for regime change from above. But the ruling elites in the US, the UK and Israel have no interest in establishing genuine democracy in Iran – or their own countries, actually. The interventions in Iraq and Afghanistan brutally underlined this.

The official rate of unemployment in Iran stands at 12% (although most commentators estimate it is at least double that) and the pressure on the Iranian car industry perfectly illustrates how sanctions impoverish the working class:

  • Iran Khodro (one of the country’s three major car manufacturers) employs 150,000 workers and most of these are now at risk. At the end of the Iranian new year holidays (April 1), large numbers of workers in the industrial/manufacturing sector who returned to work were sent home. Sanctions impact on the economy, but Iranian bosses also use them to discipline their workforces.
  • Workers from Shahab Khodro car manufacturers, some with 20 years experience, were told their jobs had simply disappeared when they came back from the holidays.
  • In Iran Khodro, 30% of contracts have not been renewed (the overwhelming majority of Iranian workers are now contracted labourers thanks to the theocracy’s willingness to follow the dictates of the IMF/World Bank).
  • Iran’s car manufacturing industry is also facing a serious crisis after Peugeot Citroen, fearing the enforcement of US-led financial sanctions, stopped its trade in February. Iran was Peugeot Citroen’s second-biggest market in 2011 in terms of trade volume. However it came under increasing pressure after a US lobby group, United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI), called on the US Congress to investigate the French car company’s transactions with the Islamic Republic.
  • At the same time, the theocracy increases the pressure on labour activists and oppositionists. For example, Vahed bus drivers’ union executive member Reza Shahabi has been sentenced to 6 years in prison and a further five year ban from trade union activism. He has also been ordered to return around secen million Toman’s which had been raised in solidarity to help imprisoned trade union activists. This is after two and a half years in prison for being arrested on charges of  “propaganda activities against the regime” and another five years for “collusion to act against national security.” These are the typical charges activists face for standing up against oppression and fighting for the working class.

Hopi weekend conference: April 21-22, central London

Wednesday, April 11th, 2012

The danger of a new war in the Middle East is increasing every day. The war drums are beating ever louder, especially in Israel. Hands Off the People of Iran is hosting this weekend conference in order to highlight the dynamics behind the sabre rattling. (more…)

Video: ‘The Arab revolution – back on the agenda’

Sunday, August 7th, 2011

Video: ‘The Arab revolution – back on the agenda’

Speakers: Mohammad Reza Shalgouni (Founder member of the Revolutionary Workers of Iran (Rahe Kargar)) and Moshé Machover (Israeli socialist)

At Communist University 2011, comrade Machover discussed the state of the revolutionary upheaval in the Arab speaking world. While the revolt in each country has its specific characteristics, they all must be seen in the context of the struggle for Arab unity. Comrade Shalgouni looked at the limitations of the current protests and analysed what holds them back. He also discussed the implications of the Arab revolutions for the entire region. Both speakers are experts in their field and have written extensively on the question

Click here to watch the video

From John McDonnell MP: Support Hopi vs LRC cricket match!

Friday, July 29th, 2011

Message from John McDonnell MP and Yasssamine Mather, chair of Hands Off the People of Iran

Dear friends,

We are writing to you to inform you about two fundraising events organised by Hands off the people of Iran taking place over the coming months and to ask for your help in supporting these events. At this current time of enormous political and economic crisis, a continued UN sanctions and war threats, Iranian workers are in a very difficult situation. This is why it is absolutely vital that the workers’ movement in this country organises material and ideological solidarity with workers’, women’s and students’ struggles in Iran – they are our natural allies and a true beacon of hope for genuine democracy and freedom.

On September 25, many of our activists from the UK, France, the USA, Italy, Sweden and Germany will be pounding the streets of Berlin, running the Berlin marathon for the charity Workers’ Fund Iran (, which raises money for Iranian workers. The charity is an independent organisation. Funds sent to Iran will be distributed amongst the most needy working class families who are facing destitution, regardless of political affiliation. You can sponsor us online using Charity Choice’s website:

September 11 2011 (midday) will once again see Hands Off the People of Iran play the Labour Representation Committee at the cricket ground in Wray Crescent, London N4, in their annual solidarity cricket match to raise £1,500 for Workers’ Fund Iran.

This is the third solidarity cricket event following the successful match last year and we are confident that this year will be an even bigger and better event as we continue to build on the success of pervious years’ events. As those of you who have attended in the past will know, it’s a fun day out whether you’re a cricket fanatic or your idea of a good time is more at long the lines of sipping away at a cold one in the sun talking politics. Food and drink will be provided at the match and, for those who want to make an evening of it, there will be a social evening following on from the match.

We are calling on your help to make this day as successful as possible.

Can you support us by:

*Playing? Could your union, campaign or trades council send a player? Both male and female welcome players welcome!

*Getting your union branch/campaign/organisation to sponsor the event and cover some of the numerous costs involved in organising the events? Get in touch and we will send you a model motion.

*Helping out on the day? There is a load of work to do on the day itself. The more people we have to help, the better.

*Promoting the event in mailouts, on blogs, or help with leafleting for the event?

Please get in touch with us to offer your help, show solidarity or find out more about what should be an excellent event for an excellent cause!

Yours in solidarity,

John McDonnell MP                        Yassamine Mather Chair, Hands off the people of Iran

Walking for Workers in Iran – Donate Here! Donate Now!

Wednesday, February 23rd, 2011


On March 4th five members of the Hands Off the People of Iran Manchester branch will be walking the Bogle, a fifty five mile walk round Manchester. We are walking to raise money for the charity Workers Fund Iran, which was set up in December 2005 with the aim to reduce and relieve poverty amongst Iranian workers (both employed and unemployed) who are victims of the economic policies of the Iranian regime, including mass non-payment of wages. The charity is not aligned to any political organisation. Funds sent to Iran will be distributed amongst the most needy working class families who are facing destitution. We hope the funds will stop families sending their children to the streets as beggars or peddlers and selling their body parts, which is a common practice.

In Iran at the moment, hundreds of thousands of workers are being consigned to poverty by the oppressive Iranian state. Practical solidarity is one of the greatest things we can do for Iranian workers; it helps the revolutionary struggle against the Islamic Republic continue. Give generously!

We are hoping to raise over £300 pounds for the charity. You can donate by going to our Charity Choice page here.


LRC vs HOPI: Solidarity Cricket Match – August 29

Tuesday, June 29th, 2010

Batting for internationalism

Batting for internationalism

August 29 will once again see Hands Off the People of Iran play the Labour Representation Committee in their annual solidarity cricket match to raise £1,500 for the charity Workers Fund Iran, which raises money for Iranian workers. ( In the face of an enormous political and economic crisis, a new round of UN sanctions and war threats, Iranian workers are in a very difficult situation.

This is why it is absolutely vital that the workers’ movement in this country organizes material and ideological solidarity with workers’, women’s and students’ struggles in Iran – they are our natural allies and a true beacon of hope for genuine democracy and freedom.

This is the second solidarity cricket event following the successful match last year (see for a report) and we are confident that this year will be even bigger and better than the last one. Those of you who attended last year will know the score by now: food, drink, cricket and a social in the evening. Those of you who don’t will doubtless be kicking yourselves for missing out, but you can make up for it this year!

We are calling on your help to make this day as successful as possible.

Can you:

*Play? The standard will be more ‘village’ than the ‘Test Match’ so even if you have to brush off those pads after years of neglect – get in touch! Both male and female welcome players welcome!

*Get your union branch/campaign/organisation to sponsor the event and cover some of the numerous costs involved in organising the events? Get in touch and we will send you a model motion

*Help out on the day? There is a load of work to do on the day itself, and the more people we have to help

*Promote the event in mailouts, on blogs, or help with leafleting for the event

*Take some leaflets to hand out locally?

Please get in touch with us to offer your help, show solidarity or find out more about what should be an excellent event for an excellent cause!