Archive for August, 2015

The Iran Deal Would Mean an End to “Regime Change From Above”

Monday, August 24th, 2015

Stanley Heller interviews  Yassamine Mather, Iranian exile, about the Iranian-US nuclear deal. 8/9/2015 : what the U.S. government was trying to do, the false hope that Iran after an “Islamic Revolution” would be free from imperial pressure, the frequent use of the death penalty in Iran and what the Iranian regime is doing in Syria. 


Yassamine Mather in a debate in BBC studios on US air raids against Islamic State and the attitude of the international left regarding foreign military intervention

Monday, August 24th, 2015

A debate recorded in BBC studios two weeks ago on US air raids against Islamic State and the attitude of the international left regarding foreign military intervention  shown Monday 3rd August

BBC Debate