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Cincinnati - Sawyer Point: Cincinnatus Statue | by wallyg
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Cincinnati - Sawyer Point: Cincinnatus Statue

Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus

Circa 458 BC


The legenedary Roman is seen here after he had defeated the Aequians and rescued the trapped Roan Army. With one hand he returns the fasces, symbol of power as appointed Dictator of Rome. His other hand holds the plow, as he resumes the life of a citizen and farmer.


Our city was named in 1790 by Governor Arthur St. Clair, member of the Society of Cincinnati, an order of Revoltionary War Officers whose first President was George Washington.


Given to the city to honor the volunteer spirit of the citizen-soldier, Cincinnatus, by members of the Friends of Cincinnatus Association.



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Taken on September 4, 2006