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Blogger Matt Meyer said...

Resistance in Brooklyn was proud and grateful to have Matthew Lyons give this talk last month, and we are pleased to help spread this written version around - for the greater commentary, analysis, and review that it richly deserves.

July 17, 2016 12:26 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is there an audio version?

July 20, 2016 1:27 PM

Blogger Matthew N Lyons said...

An unedited video of the whole event is available at http://thecommonsbrooklyn.org/node/853. My talk starts at around 50:25.

July 23, 2016 9:00 PM

Anonymous Bernard said...

Donald Trump's supporters find hope and comfort in the spontaneous, narcissistic, delusional, angry, conspiratorial, fun, and “politically incorrect” components of Trump's brainstorming.




Imagine a Trumpism that better understands the sources of its pain.




Brainstorm, without criticism, even more creative responses to the challenges of Trumpism.




July 28, 2016 1:41 PM

Anonymous Bernard said...

Attorney Khizr Khan spoke in Philadelphia to the Democratic National Convention on July 28. That father of a fallen Muslim-American soldier waved his small copy of the Constitution for Donald Trump. That was, for many, a memorable image. Khan's speech may be the emotional fulcrum of this Presidential campaign. See 2 minutes of the video here:



Trump's aggregate, national campaign poll trend-lines then fell rapidly, well below Clinton's. Use your mouse/pointer to locate July 28 on these charts to see for yourself.



Below are poll charts for five “swing” states. Trump could well use the electoral college votes that these states control to win the presidency. “Mouse point” in these charts to July 28. The falling trend-lines after that date were not “rigged.” These sharp drops in support for Trump over Clinton reflect the wisdom and decency of widely shared American values.






August 08, 2016 2:10 PM

Anonymous Nil said...

This article interviewing a Trump supporter reminded me again of this piece above, especially the last line of it...


October 06, 2016 11:24 PM

Anonymous Bernard said...

David A Hill Jr, the author of the link that Nil shares above, has great skill at empathy.

See the many interesting comments at the end of Hill's post. A follow-up piece is linked here:


To understand Trumpism, Hill empathizes with the pain at its source. Hill does not connect nor attribute his friend's support for Donald Trump to fascism, racism, or white supremacism.

Voters who have suffered huge losses are vulnerable. They are willing to gamble to avert further loss, or to recover what they have lost. The more Trump reminded his supporters about what they have lost, the more the voters (those who fear, or believed they suffered, loss) obstinately supported Trump as the long shot winner.


October 17, 2016 2:25 PM

Anonymous Nil said...

I'm returning to this article, and especially it's powerful last paragraph, as we approach the next presidential election.

That last paragraph switched it's perspective between "what if" each party/candidate had one several times -- but the last sentence seems to be assuming an HRC victory. IF we as lefitsts "ally ourselves with the bulk of the ruling class", AND the neoliberal ruling class candidate WINS, then the next version of Trump will be EVEN WORSE.

But then, Trump did win. I don't think we've arrived at the place where "meetings like this one can no longer take place in public" -- but it does still seem like we're headed there possibly quicker than it seems. And Trump has certainly raised the misery level quite a bit for many, particularly at the border.

So now the stakes seem even higher. And we have more information, which should help us make better 'calculations' with less hypotheticals. But I'm not sure it does, the calculus seems about the same. On the one hand, getting rid of Trump (specifically, his party, his politics) from a position of state power seems even more crucial now. On the other hand, if even after what we know now, "leftists lend our support to the candidate of neoliberalism, if we ally ourselves with the bulk of the ruling class" -- the consequences seem even more dire. Will that in fact lead to _more electoral victories_ for the white identity right that is presented as the only alternative to "millions of angry, disempowered people"?

Perhaps "the next version of that opposition" comment was suggesting a non-electoral right "opposition". But if the Dems keep providing ruling-class-comfortable neoliberal candidates, will the far-right just keep winning electorally? The present situation makes me tempted _even more than last time_ to dive into electoral politics, to try to prevent the Dems from nominating another ruling-class neoliberal candidate, before it's too late.


April 29, 2019 9:04 AM

Blogger Matthew N Lyons said...

Thanks for your thoughtful comment, Nil. For what it's worth, when I wrote the conclusion to "Making America Worse" I was not assuming that Clinton would win. I certainly wasn't expecting a Trump victory, but I thought it was possible, and I intended the point about leftists allying themselves with the bulk of the ruling class to apply either way. And the "next version of that opposition" I envisioned wasn't specifically electoral or non-electoral. What I meant was a political initiative that tapped into the same kind of political ugliness that has propelled Trump, but with a more committed ideology and an independent organizational base -- in other words, something closer to an actual fascist movement. I think Trump is making the rise of such a movement easier, but a Clinton victory probably would have as well, just in different ways. What's needed is a radical left alternative to both. That doesn't mean Democratic Party left, but I do think a leftish candidate is the Democratic Party's only chance of defeating Trump in 2020.

April 30, 2019 9:57 AM

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