Litha 2016 is out

Monday, October 3rd, 2016

Monday, October 3rd, 2016

Venezuela, October 12: Day of Action Against Arco Mine, In Support of Indigenous Resistance

by Freedom Zone Collective / El Libertario

translated by Earth First! Journal

direct-action-against-arco-mineroMarking the celebration of indigenous resistance, we say NO TO ARCO MINING, ANOTHER WAY IS POSSIBLE. On October 12 in the Student Plaza, we will take action against mining and the genocide in the Amazon. Bring your idea, your action, your pamphlet, come and act. Open debate, pamphlet distribution, stencils, silkscreening, note: bring your hoodie and your banner. Join us, activist, ecologist. Declare yourself. Life is worth more than gold, 500 years are not enough! Enough already!

Colectivo Zona de Libertad

En Marco de la celebración de la resistencia indígena, decimos NO AL MARCO MINERO, OTRA VIA ES POSIBLE. El día 12 de octubre, Plaza del Estudiante, acción contra la minería y el genocidio en el Amazonas, lleva tu idea, tu acción, tu panfleto, ven y acciona. Debate abierto, entrega de panfleto, stenciles, serigrafía, toke…lleva tu franela tu pancarta. Asiste, activista, ecologista. Pronúnciate. ¡La vida vale más que el oro, 500 ANOS NO SON SUFICIENTE!! ¡YA BASTA!!!!

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