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Sunday, October 2nd, 2016

Sunday, October 2nd, 2016

Protesters Stage Die-In flashmob at Heathrow Over Expansion Plans

from The Guardian


Activists campaigning against airport expansion and climate change have staged a “die-in” flashmob demonstration at Heathrow. Scores of protesters, some wearing dust masks and others decked in banners, lay on the floor in Terminal 2 at the airport on Saturday as bemused passengers looked on.

The protesters read out testimonies from communities affected by climate change, urging those taking flights to think about the impact of their travel arrangements.

A second demonstration was held at nearby Harmondsworth detention centre, where protesters dressed in red lay on the ground and obstructed traffic to highlight the link between climate impacts and migration, while a “picnic” protest was held at Gatwick airport earlier on Saturday. The campaigns were linked to other demonstrations around the world opposing airport expansion, timed to coincide with a UN conference addressing the impact of aviation.

Mary Adams from Reclaim the Power, the activist organisation behind the protest, said: “Expanding airports is completely irresponsible and will bring us out of reach of our own targets to stop climate change.


“This problem isn’t being caused by business or normal families taking a holiday, but by a wealthy elite ‘binge flying’, often to second homes. Yet it’s poorer countries that are the hardest hit by climate change, even though they have done the least to cause the problem. Expanding Heathrow is incompatible with creating a fairer and more equal world.”

Ministers are currently considering whether to support the plans for Heathrow or Gatwick, and a decision is expected in the coming weeks.

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