Litha 2016 is out

Sunday, October 2nd, 2016

Sunday, October 2nd, 2016

Albania Activists Hold Protest Against Waste Dumping

from The New York Times

indexHundreds of Albanian activists have held a protest in Tirana, the national capital, against a law allowing the importation of garbage from foreign countries for recycling.

Holding anti-dumping slogans, protesters who fear their country would turn into a dumping ground gathered Saturday outside the main government offices.

Last month the parliament passed a law on importing garbage. That law initially was passed by the previous conservative government in 2011, and overturned by the current leftist coalition in 2013 when it came to power. Now the coalition government has done an about-face and reinstated the law with some amendments.

The government supports the recycling of non-hazardous waste, saying it is in line with European Union standards. Albania is hoping to launch EU membership talks.

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