Litha 2016 is out

Friday, September 30th, 2016

Friday, September 30th, 2016

The Climate Collective Shuts Down Coal-fired Power Plant in Aalborg, Denmark

from KlimaKollektivet


This morning, climate activists entered the coal-fired power plant “Nordjyllandsværket” in Northern Jutland and blocked all supply of coal to the plant.

9 activists from the Climate Collective climbed the fence to Nordjyllandsværket and established a blockade on the conveyor belt which transports coal into the boiler. The activists locked themselves to the conveyor belt and demanded that the power plant is shot down immediately. With banners saying “Close down the plant” and “No Coal” in purple and red paint and dressed in colorful and glittering sequins, we want to show that a green future is much more fun than a dead planet.

Nordjyllandsværket has the largest consumption of coal of all the coal fired power plants in Denmark. Even though coal is one of the dirtiest fossil fuels, Aalborg Municipality (who owns the plant) still plans to continue using coal until 2028. That’s why we are now taking action and are closing down the plant. The climate can’t wait for politicians hungry for profit.

After 3 hours of blockade all the activists were removed by the police and were held in custody for a couple of hours before being released.

Quit coal – The climate can’t wait!

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